View Full Version : Starting a new job

09-03-08, 18:04
Tomorrow is a big day, I am starting a new job. This will be the best job I have ever had as far as pay and responsibility. My concern is am I really good enough? Will my social skills be good enough? Will I appear to everyone as intelligent, confident and verbally sharp? Will my writing and financial skills be up to the challenge? I will be working at an Ivy League College in a hospital setting, a lot of smart people, I would like to think I am just as smart.

09-03-08, 18:06
Congratulations on the new job Critter:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Best of luck for Tomm:yesyes:

Kaz x

09-03-08, 19:34
Hi Critter,

Good luck for tomorrow.
Forget about them and show yourself how right they were to appoint you because of your abilities!!!
:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:
Best wishes,

10-03-08, 13:02
Hey Critter

Well done on getting your new job hun - you will be absolutely FINE!

If they didnt think you were able to do the job, they would never have hired you ;)

Jo xxxxx