View Full Version : need opinions/advice please?!

09-03-08, 18:10

I get ectopic beats sometimes like i know alot of you on here do.

About half an hour ago I had one but the sensation lasted longer than normal.

Then, and I'm not sure whether this is because i started to panick or if its something else, my heart was racing extremely fast, felt like i couldnt breath, had serious anxiety feelings and I was then genuinely scared!

I'm silly i know as iv just googled and it came up with paroxy something or other supraventricular tachycardia - symptoms more or less what i just described.

Have any of you had ectopics which feel this way?
Do you think it was me panicing or do you think it could be that proxy thingy?
And finally - do you think i should see my GP about this as its new to me?

Cassi xxx

10-03-08, 10:42

well first DONT GOOGLE ectopics wont harm you i have had them for years now and have felt then like you have described i think it is when you get mabe 2/3 together .
i have seen a doctor at the hospital about mine and even though i get lots and lots a day or did i am feeling a lot better with them now he sead they still wont harm you .
if you have not been to doc about them or had test them mabe a good idea to do so but if you have been told your heart is ok then try to not think about them to much as this makes it worse , if you google you will come up with all sorts of thing that you wont even have .

jodie xxx

10-03-08, 16:38
Thanks for your reply Jodie,

I know i was silly to google but it scared me so much! I rekon thats prob what it was - 2/3 in a row, is ths not harmful? Again, naughty i know, i read that 3 in a row leads to ventricular fibrilation - aaahhh!

Iv seen my gp about my ectopics who said they were harmless/normal, had ecg's done, again nomal and i saw a cardiologist who said im fine - but this 2/3 in a row was a 1st for me - is that still ok? or do you think i should go back and see them because of that???

Thnks again

Cassi xxxxxxx

20-03-08, 13:24

"Iv seen my gp about my ectopics who said they were harmless/normal, had ecg's done, again nomal"

There's your answer.

20-03-08, 13:43

i have had the 2/3 is a row lots of times and yes more scarey than the odd one or two i knwo but still fine mine have never turned to anything more hun i am sure yours wont eather my doc sead it dosnt happen like that so i guess i would not go back and just try thinking to yourself they are fine wont hurt you ect

jodie xxxx