View Full Version : Storm - It's going to be a bad night

09-03-08, 23:39
The storm has just started to hit North Devon, can hear the wind roaring around outside already.

09-03-08, 23:41
Wondered where it had got to lol....no sign in Southampton yet!!!

What bit of north devon are u in???

Im off to Ilfracombe for easter weekend

Kaz x x x:hugs:

09-03-08, 23:44
I saw this forecast on the news and weather reports, was hoping it would be wrong,winds always scare me but even moreso when Ive got a dodgy roof!!! Had so much replaced last year, but surprise surprise the bit thats making my rooms wet and that may blow off is not that bit!!
A lightfitting fell down in earthquake,
Anyway, so long as no one is hurt or lives lost, hope its not too bad for you Decca

09-03-08, 23:53
Hi Kaz,
I'm not far from Ilfracombe, I think the storm will be over by Easter, lol.
Hope you have a nice time here.

Hi Alexis,
can hear it under the roofing felt already , I think I'll take a couple of valli's before going to bed tonight, lol.

There's usually webcams of the coast here -
but they're down at the moment, could be some nice views tomorrow though.

10-03-08, 00:12
Hey Decca:D

Could always meet up for a drink or whatever??

Just an idea as obviously dont know how u are fixed

If u fancy it give me a shout

Kaz x

still no storm here.....dreading it stupid thing is im sat waiting for it to happen instead of going to bed lol

10-03-08, 09:35
Hi Kazz,
Very kind of you to offer but I'm afraid I must decline.
I hope the weather is good and you enjoy your stay.

10-03-08, 21:26
Fair enough:yesyes:

I hope the weather is good too,March can be dodgey but hey its away fron Southampton!!!

Just hope other half dont get us lost on the way lol:D

Kaz x:hugs: