View Full Version : I miss............

10-03-08, 03:45
I miss going into town.
I miss working (believe it or not).
I miss shopping in cheap shops, hunting for a bargain.
I miss music and dancing.
I miss my car, I so relied on my car to get me wherever I needed to go, which wasn't far but at least I could go when I had a car.
I miss friends.
I miss laughing.
I miss a couple of weekly mags to catch up on so called 'celebs'.
So many things, too many to mention,
All alone here with noone to care for me, noone who cares for me, noone to reach out a hand to me when I'm in my deepest despair.
I miss loving and being loved (even if it was for only a short while).
I miss ME, I don't recognize myself now. I look in the mirror and have no clue as to who that person is looking back at me. The worn out, haggard, broken woman looking back at me cannot possibly be me, can it?
The worst thing is knowing that I'll never have those things again and what I have will one by one disappear like everything else.
No hope, no chance of ever LIVING again.
Tragic waste of a life. Wish I'd never been born. Then I wouldn't know the heartache and misery that it brings.
What's the point?

10-03-08, 10:30
Elspeth, please don't despair my friend, there are people who care.
I have been down but there is a way forward, there is always hope.

I don't know the full extent of what you are facing but you can build on your life again, just reach out and people on here will help you.

take care and keep chatting to us

Dave:flowers: xxx

10-03-08, 13:26
Hi Elspeth,

Just looking at your signature, and wondering what motivated you to choose that particular one? You see it's so positive - it speaks of a desire to help and befriend, and to not hesitiate in doing so for the moment may pass far too swiftly otherwise.

Yes, we shall surely only pass this way once........but while we're here we can show kindness and be helpful, and I'm sure you have been both at one time or another.

I'm with Dave on this one - there is always hope, always. Do not lose sight of it for a moment.

And there is also faith - and hope and faith may be all we have to hold onto sometimes - so do hold on, very tightly. You know you're amongst people who care about others very deeply here (I think you probably know that already though) so please don't feel alone. Drop me a pm if you feel want to chat ok?

You're in a very deep, dark pit at the moment - but if you look up you will see hands reaching down to you to help you out of it.

Take care

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

10-03-08, 15:03
Hi Elspeth

I agree with Dave and GG - do not give up on yourself. You have so much to live for :hugs:

I know it doesnt seem like it at the moment but you have the support of everyone here to help lift you out of this period.

Jo xxxxx

10-03-08, 15:27
Hi Elspeth

I have been in the same place as you are now and like you thought there was no way out. I was wrong and once I started to realise that I could get my life back and be a better person than the one I used to be I started to climb out of the anxiety trap. I still have a way to go but my life has improved so much since this time last year and as you work on your goals each one gets a little bit easier.

Reach out to these lovely people on here and learn from them, that's what helped me to understand my anxiety so much and they made me realise that I wasn't on my own.

I totally agree with Groovy Granny hold on to your hopes and have faith in yourself, you can do it.

Good luck

10-03-08, 15:30
Hi Elspeth :hugs: :hugs:

My heart goes out to you hun. :hugs:

There are many, many hands reaching out to you hun, take one, take two, take as many as it takes to help you get of of your dark place. The things you miss, HAVE NOT gone, there still there hun, waiting for you. You have people here who care for you. Please see these helping hands.

As you can see, you are with friends here, kind caring people. I have always called people on here, special people, because that is what they are SPECIAL, YOU are special too :hugs: please see this, YOU are not alone hun.

I agree with the others, there IS ALWAYS hope,

Keep posting hun, :hugs:


10-03-08, 18:29
Hi Elspeth,

We ALL can have days like this!!!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
You have friends and support here!!
Forget about the big picture.Mr Anxiety will always try to fill you with doom,gloom and panic.Deal with one day at a time and give your best to that day.This will help alleviate the pressure on you.Change-when Anxiety comes make a conscious effort to distract yourself-ring an old friend,put some music on,walk up and down the stairs-take your focus away from it.
You are stronger than you think!!
Believe in yourself.
Best wishes,