View Full Version : Horrible Week

17-03-05, 16:34
Just come on to ramble about everything again. I've had a naff week so far really. Started last sunday with those ectopic beats but i came on and ranted and raved about those so no need for me to go over old ground. But then Monday I found out that my aunt died unexpectedly. Wasn't what i'd call extremely close with her but she always had time for me and continuely had me giggling about something or other.

Tuesday started off ok and in the afternoon went to see my eldest daughter in school concert. Ok i got a bit choked up because i knew that the concert would be her last one at this school before she moves up to high school. But then in my eyes my biggest test then came. Her dad came along to watch with his girlfriend and their 3 month old baby daughter. I decided to be grown up about it all and go and see her and god did she look like my two girls. I know thats nothing to get too upset about as such but it made me feel weird seeing him standing there with his other daughter in his arms. But then he goes and stands outside the school with a smug look on his face showing her off to everyone i practically knew, so i just went home. I had a miscarriage 17 months ago and i guess it just all came back to me really, i had a cry and kept thinking my baby should of been here as well.

Wednesday, ok not that bad of a day i guess but i was meant to be going to see John (partner) up north this weekend and found out that i couldn't go because the train had been cancelled :(. So those plans were scuppered. Hopefully going next weekend but its been 5 weeks since i've seen him and i'm really missing him.

Today, oh gawd i'm surprised i've got a job lol. I guess what with one thing and another i was feeling p****d off with everything. Well i made a tiny mistake at work and boss decides to have a real go at me and i bit back BIG STYLE [Duh!]. Told him it was a s**t company to work for, fed up with being treated like a door mat etc etc well you get the picture i'm sure and then promptly burst into tears.

Hence i'm sat here still puffy eyed, typing out all my woes to you all.
Sorry to of waffled on but always feel a tad better once i've got things off my chest.

17-03-05, 16:42
hi sorry you had such a bad week..........think with us it never just rains but it pours

i too have times like this i think i get over confident that im doing well then bang it all slides from under me but we can pick ouurselves up and carry on and it will get better

take care

fan x

17-03-05, 17:23
Hi Tracy,

You poor thing, you have really gone through the mill this week. Sometimes its weird how many things happen to the two of us that are the same. I had an aunt who died suddenly in January, I think I posted about her at the time. She fell down the stairs and broke her neck, it is even worse when it is sudden and unexpected. Keep your chin up.

Well done for at least trying at the school with your ex. That must have been so hard. You know I lost a baby boy - Cory - at five months don't you? Even now my arms still ache to hold him and I can imagine how you must have felt when you saw a baby. I'm still struggling now with wanting another one, but my husband doesn't really want anymore. I don't want to replace Cory but still long for another child. Silly really, I'm getting to old now!!!! I'm lucky (i think) I am still with my husband but you know how much I have been through with him and everything else. Hope you can get to see your partner next weekend and that should help you to feel better. Just look at this week as a bad one, but its over now and put it behind you and remember how you always give me good advice. I suppose you're like me you can give out advice but can't put it into practice for yourself.

you know I am always here if you need to talk.

Take care,

17-03-05, 17:24
hi Tracy,

It is no wonder that you are feeling so down in the dumps. You have had a lot to put up with during this past week - well done for coping as well as you have done!! I'm sure things will get better soon..

Sarah :D

17-03-05, 17:45
Hi Tracy

You have had a hard week and it was bound to get to you eventually, but you have coped really well. I am sure not been able to see John this weekend will have really upset you, as feeling how you do it would have been nice to spend sometime with him.

Lets hope next week goes much better and you have a lovely weekend together then.

Take care.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-03-05, 20:40
Thanks for replies.
Just gonna have to keep thinking positively and get over this little episode as quick as i can.

17-03-05, 21:53
Hi Trac

You will get through this and we will help you all we can. Focus on next weekend when you will be with someone who will look after you and that is what you need.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

18-03-05, 17:35
Hi Tracy

What a generous person you are and how blx!dy insensitive is you ex[}:)] - No wonder you are feeling a bit low - what a week!!! I cannot imagine what it must be like to have a miscarriage and for you to of had to endure that ....well I don't even know what to say about it[:O]

I hope that next weekend is relaxing and enjoyable for you and that you put this horrible week behind you ASAP.

Give yourself a huge pat on the back for being such a grown up. Oh yes...and your boss - probably deserved it anyway;)

Take care of you...Angie

18-03-05, 19:23
Someone put me down PLEASE lol
Have i wronged someone in a different life [Sigh...] why does this week seem to be never ending. Went to work today with a semi positive attitude after yesterdays episode. What happens, a huge arguement between two other women....one who is my friend and the other who happens to be my cousin [Ugh]. Without going into the boring details this has been brewing for a while and knew it would come to a head eventually....the outcome......both of them saying if one was going to my wedding (28th may) the other isn't. What the hell am i meant to do? I mean i love them both to bits and want them both there but obviously can't make them. Feeling sad now. Any advice gratefully received...please.
p.s. Angie ....... yea he did deserve it lol x

19-03-05, 07:35
Hi Tracy,

Don't let it stress you out too much. Remember, your wedding is your day and your partners. Yes it would be nice if your friend and cousin were there, but if they can't put their argument behind them for one day and be there for you sod them! Sorry for being harsh but don't let them ruin your day. I am sure you will have lots of other friends and family there for you. Some advice that my counsellor has been giving me is that you have to think more about yourself and stop worrying about others, so think about them not coming to your wedding as their problem and not yours!

Hope this helps and you don't think I'm getting really heartless! (My hubby thinks my counselling is going to split us up, so I hope you don't stop talking to me!!!!!!!!)
Take care,

19-03-05, 09:07
Tracy - call their bluff, speak to them both at the same time and tell them either both of you come to the wedding with a huge smile on your faces on none of you come - problem sorted:D

I agree, it is not your problem, you will have a great day with or without them, so it is really only them being childish. Don't even waste your energies thinking about it.

Hope that you have a better weekend hun.

Take care...Angie

19-03-05, 18:29

Sorry you had such a bad week and now even more hassles eh?

I would tell them to sort it out between themselves and to let you know who is/isn't coming as you have to sort the food/table placings out.

Don't let them make you decide - it is just not fair on you. I am sure they can sort it out as adults and you have enough to be getting on with.

Good luck!


19-03-05, 19:08
Thanks for replies.

Linda - had that said to me before that i worry too much about others and not myself. But i'm not that kind of person....wish i was lol.

Angie/Nicola - I'm going to try and be positive about this, i know that they're being selfish if they can be like that, so i'm going to try and talk to them once more. If they still say no least they can't say i haven't tried right?

Ok but on a good note (yes i have had one this week lol)....I had a phone call from John today and he's only gone and bought me a car :D. I get it next week when i go up i'm so excited. He said least i won't have to worry about the trains anymore. Awwwww love him eh.

Take care

19-03-05, 19:18
Wow a new car!! How lovely. What is it etc?


19-03-05, 19:32
Hi Nicola
Its a P reg Ford Mondeo :D.
He knew how upset i was about not being able to get up there this weekend, so when he told me he said there won't be any reasons why i can't get up there as much as i want now.
I haven't had a car for five years and he knew how much i missed having one. He said he picked the make coz it would be a nice sized one for when he gets back and we can all go out as a family. Oh and plus we got a 19 week old german shepherd so we can take her out to the coast etc for walks.
I have to say i haven't stopped grinning all afternoon.


19-03-05, 19:39
Oh Tracy

That is so lovely!! I am thrilled for you. A nice new car and you can drive up whenever you want.

What a lovely man you have there and so thoughtful.

Bet you can't wait to see it.
Bet you are well chuffed now and rightly so


19-03-05, 19:41
Hi Trac

That is lovely off him and now you wont be as restricted at all when you go and see him and you can get out and about.

Hopefully this happy mood will carry on and you can leave this bad week behind you where it belongs.

Take care.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

19-03-05, 19:45
Hi Sal
Yea it was sweet wasn't it. I sat on the phone crying for five minutes before i could say thank you lol.
Certainly does make a difference when you have a car and like you said i'm not restricted :D.
Yep i'm determined whatever life decides to throw at me next week IT WILL NOT get to me. You watch come monday i'll probably be on here moaning again lol.

19-03-05, 19:47
Well Trac

Next time your popping up dont forget i live up here if you fancy meeting for a cuppa.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

19-03-05, 19:55
Ok Sal :D I'll remember that, thanks.


19-03-05, 22:24
No probs Trac anytime.

Hope next week is a better one for you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.