View Full Version : stormy weather

10-03-08, 08:07
Just wondering if i should let the kids walk to school this morning ?
I live right on the south coast and my letter box is opening with the strength of the wind . Dont know what to do, local news says stay home ???:shrug:

10-03-08, 08:43
Hi Mirry, best to call the school and ask what they recommend.

They may just say wait and come in after lunch if it settles.

Take care xx Christine :flowers:

10-03-08, 12:05
sent them in , cos i seen other kids were going :shrug: .

Im terrible making decisions like that ,lol.

They say its gonna get bad again today :blush:

10-03-08, 13:30
Hi there Mirry,

Well, all our kids seem to have got into school ok this morning in Plymouth - it is very windy, judging by what I see out of the window, but it is quite bright and the rain has stopped.

Think the forecast is for it to become a bit more hectic later though - we shall have to see!:shrug:

Take care

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: