View Full Version : have unexplained syptoms

10-03-08, 13:51
I have been having muscle spasms on and off for 6 months. I am currently on citalopram 20mg. I stopped taking my medication before and the spasms did not disappear and now I am back on citalopram as they helped stabalise my depression and anxiety. I have asked my doctor who says it must be something my muscles do, but as you all know suffer from health aniexty it does not help me. I have googled it and come up with terrifying conditions that have only placed me back into obsessing constantly and agonsing worry. I know that citalopram is supposed to stop spasms but mine dont so they must be from something that i cant deal with.

has anyone experienced this

10-03-08, 13:57

I swear we should not be allowed the internet! I am just the same. I googled stuff and am now terrified.
Back to you though, I suffer from spasms, muscle twitches, its def part of the anxiety I imagine. Is uncomfortable I know.

I guess all I can say is I get it and if your really worried go to your GP


11-03-08, 14:06
i have just started with 20mg of same medication and part of my anxiety is spasms and jolts especially at night or when trying to sleep! Im on day 8 of the meds now with no improvement so fingers crossed for an improvement after 2 weeks!

ive found it really hard to accept that this is anxiety but it is and its just the bodys way of dealing with the built up tention.

I read somewhere that people with a high electricity level in the body suffer from this and im def one of them as always getting little tingles or major jolts that used to scare me that i had had a fit or something.

Try not to worry once you stop to worry the symptoms will gradually fade. you probably had spasms before anxiety started but just never payed them any attention

12-03-08, 11:05
I get head pain and neck pain which i've had for 14 years with no diagnosis. I also suffer from depression and anxiety and have recently in the last two months started citalopram. I also read about taking omega 3 in large amounts as they do it for arthritis. I have started doing this and have noticed improvement in my head pain. Usually when i take ad's it gets worse but it hasn't this time. Maybe trying some increased dose of omega 3 may be helpful.