View Full Version : My head doesn't feel like my own anymore!

10-03-08, 16:40
I have suffered from health anxiety and panic since I had children and have a re-occuring problem in that I feel so overloaded with worries, problems etc that my head literally feels like its frozen tight inside and then feels shaky. I have seen a neurologist a year ago and she said I was exhausted and that I can have a scan to put my mind at rest.

I didn't take her up on it because I felt at least reassured by my visit.
But I am now waiting to have it as I recently have had the symptoms and panic back.

I'm constantly battling with the worry every minute of the day that there is something wrong and I'm finding this mental battle so tiring. I can have a level of panic and fear that lasts for hours and sometimes I just have to go to bed as I'm ridiculously trying to use lavender oil or rescue remedy which is fine if I'm not already in a state of pure panic.

I get all the fireworks going off in my head feeling and dizzy and things shake if I'm anxious but I don't know how to calm down.

Does anyone have anything that they do or use as I can't keep going back to the doctors for re-assurance!

Thank you

10-03-08, 18:16
Hi Pinkdante,

Your mind is drawn to your anxiety like a moth to a light.
It is great that you are taking active measures to get to the bottom of this but ...if it is your anxiety,you must try to actively take the power away from the anxiety.One day at a time.12 hours at a time,6 hours at a time, distract yourself.
It is hard to start this but what have you got to lose?
Think of your anxiety in terms of one day at a time at the very most-then it is not so daunting-you do not think of :-Will I ever get over this? Is this how I am destined to spend the rest of my life?
Mr Anxiety will try to interfere,try to plague you with self-doubt but remember..if your mind is occupied with positive thinking and positive action,will there be room for him? No.
Best wishes,

10-03-08, 18:38
hello,just read your post,i get that what i call tight head feeling headaches diziness all tensed up.it goes away then comes back its horible.if you already saw someone a year ago and felt better for going even though you didnt have anything other than reassurance,that should tell you its nothing serious or it wouldnt have gone away and reappeared a year later,its anxiety and tension,hope you can try to do as last poster chalky said a little at a time it will go away again im sure.best wishes linda ps try a steam inhalation it relieves the tension and helps the sinuses too