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View Full Version : HAve any of you had vetricular tachycardia?

10-03-08, 16:52
Im so scared that i had this the other day.

Jodie very kindly replied to my messgae on the symptoms page, but i had what felt like prolongued ectopics, maybe 2 or 3, mybe more, i dont know but all in a row!

Then, i dont know if cos of the weird sensation i panicked and it increased my heart rate, but my heart raced, i felt like i had to gasp for breath, and i felt the urge to scape, silly old me googled and iv looked at VT - it sounds like it could have been ths.

Should i see my gp as this is new to me, iv seen a cardiologist bout the ectopics and had normal ecg's - he said im fine - but this has scared me into
thinking theres summit up again.

Cassi xxxxxxx

Rachey poos
19-03-08, 22:05
dont be googlin.... i get ectopics bad one after the other at times and wake up in night with really fast heart....like an athletes heart rate... its just adrenaline ... I have heard folks with VT and its when the heart goes on and on for hrs and is uncontrolable.....dont worry ..if u need reasurring go docs but please dont google x

20-03-08, 15:07
cassie sweetheart, i get whats like a sudden run of 2 or 3 heart beats seeming out of rhythm, so does my 20 year old daughter. the doc says its part of our makeup but its nothing to get worried about, but everytime we feel it we do feel panicked. weve both had 24 tapes etc to get a diagnosis. go talk to your gp to help you come to terms with it.


22-04-08, 09:37
Please don't be frightening yourself with this. (I have been here and still do struggle with the thought of this every day but I know I mustn't. I have to do positive thinking on this very topic every day!)
You are just having lots of ectopics. I have thousands a day (nearly two years of it so far) and my consultant has told me that you only get sustained ventricular tachycardia if you have a heart abnormality in the structure of the heart, which could have been born with or if you have had a heart attack which has damaged the heart, or have suffered heart damage in some other way, which they would know about if you have had an ecg. Despite the frequency and number of my ectopics, my consultant does not want to see me again! (Good job too, as I have spent a fortune in medical fees :winks: )

If you have a normal heart your heart will always get back into its normal rythm even if you have lots of ectopics in a row.

It feels like it can go wonky for ages, but try changing position, getting up or moving around, or changing sides if you are lying in bed, anything to shift things if it is disturbing you.

There is a really good heart forum called http://palps.chemicalforums.com/cgi-bin/YaBB.pl
there you will find lots of people who have had ectopics for years. It is good for support and advice.


11-05-08, 10:09
hi,i have posted my experience before but no-one seems to have tried what i did to cure my ectopics,a bit drastic you may say but it worked for me,i suffered from anxiety because of the ectopics,the more ectopics i got the greater the anxiety so the greater the ectopics,it was a never ending circle,anyway after all the tests and a great number of visits to a&e i had had enough and told my gp i wanted to tackle the anxiety and see if it made any difference to the ectopics,after a great discussion she agreed to try me on a low dose of citalopram,i went through all the usual side effects but i was desperate so i continued with them,not much change on 10mg so she upped them to 20mg,felt better at that dose but still not ectopic free completley yet,so she upped them to 30mg,after a couple of weeks at this dose eureka NO ECTOPICS AT ALL,this was 7 months ago and i am still ectopic free,i feel wonderful and am once more enjoying life,don't even think of ectopics anymore,i still come back to the site because it played a big part in my recovery,obviouly this route will not suit everone and its understandable that a lot of folks do not want to take anti-depressants,but it worked for me and it may work for you.......:yesyes: xxx

27-06-19, 19:06
Im so scared that i had this the other day.

Jodie very kindly replied to my messgae on the symptoms page, but i had what felt like prolongued ectopics, maybe 2 or 3, mybe more, i dont know but all in a row!

Then, i dont know if cos of the weird sensation i panicked and it increased my heart rate, but my heart raced, i felt like i had to gasp for breath, and i felt the urge to scape, silly old me googled and iv looked at VT - it sounds like it could have been ths.

Should i see my gp as this is new to me, iv seen a cardiologist bout the ectopics and had normal ecg's - he said im fine - but this has scared me into
thinking theres summit up again.

Cassi xxxxxxx

I'm reviving this thread lol. I hope all you are doubg fine. I am going through the same. Getting what seems like pvcs in a row and I get a panic attack aftewards and cold sweats. I am scared it is ventricular tachycardia and that I have hear disease or heart failure and that I'm gonna die soon. I had echocardiogram 5 years ago and it was normal so at least genetic or congenital problems were discarded. I am scared I developed cardiomyopathy due to pvcs and that that is the culprit of my arrythmia. I've already booked for an appointment tomorrow and will get an electro and an echo but I am terrified it will confirm my fears.

I get the normal one skipped beat but since last year my heart suddenly races out of nowhere like 180 bpm and doesn't regular and I cough a lot to stop it and then it comes back to normal. The longest seemed to last about 30 seconds, I am not sure if it was just because the fear that I assumed that but I thought I was gonna get VF and drop dead.

Anyone going through the same worries?? How are y'all doing??