View Full Version : Feel terrible is it all anxiety am i going mad?

10-03-08, 20:29
For the last week I have felt terrible I have felt irritated and unable to relax, also felt a bit sick.

I have had worrying thoughts and started googling things again :weep: I am worried my manic depression is coming back even though I have not been on tablets for 2 months and am fine now..

I fell out with a few friends the other week i think this may have caused me to have some stress..

I am worried i am a sex addict or something becuase i have wanted to do things with myself more :huh: even though i have not actually been with somebody in 9 months and am single i am just worried i am going crazy or something..this has become my biggest worry and feel awful just talking about it..i am just worried it's like some kind of desperation thing maybe caused by anxiety?

are all these like anxiety symptoms brought on by my constant worry?

10-03-08, 20:42
Can complete undestand how you feel. You are not going mad these are just thoughts and you are just over worrying. I know this because I do exactly the same thing. The thing you think about is your worst fear. I have a fear that I am going to scream and shout in public and I am not going to be able to stop myself. But I am trying to learn that it will not happen it is just what i fear.

You are not going mad it is just anxiety.

10-03-08, 20:55
Thanks for the reply.

I've been fine like going out and not having many panic attacks but it all seems to be emotional for me with anxiety at the moment here is a few examples:

- I never applied to a job at an arcade because i thought I would become addicted to the gambling machines. I keep putting jobs off because of hours and distance as I think of worries like my bus wont turn up or I won't manage to walk far to get to the job. I even phoned to cancel an interview..

-I get all edgy when i am out sometimes and think everybody is looking at me like i am crazy.

-Worry about my weight.

-I end up worrying my next relationship wont be as good as my last.

-Start becoming all superstitional like if I see cats or magpies, then start dwelling on the past and luck.

Every little change in my life, even if it's a new interest is causing me fear I end up thinking I am having a change in personality. I even have a fear about talking to anybody about it as it seems all mad.

10-03-08, 21:50
Hi Phil

Sorry to hear that you are having a few probs. My fears are not quite the same as yours but they are fears in the same way. That is they are in my mind and I dwell on them and build them up so that they become all I can think and worry about. For years I have read about the acceptance of anxiety. In books it tells you to accept what is happening let it come let it go and move on. And for years I have thought this is what I was doing and that it wasn't really stopping the panic. This is cos I was still anxious. Worried that I was going mad worried that I would panic. worried that I would never get better and loads of other things.

For the first time I feel that I am accepting it and the panic is going. The anxiety is going. The only difference is that I believe this time that it is anxiety making me feel these fears. I'm not really explaining myself very well read some of Bills posts on here they put it much better than I am especially his one on self belief v self doubt hope this helps and well done for talking on here.

By the way you are not going mad.

14-03-08, 17:46
Thanks for the reply. I am less worried about my depression coming back now as I seen the doctor the other day and he says it was not that and it was a one off and probably not manic depression.

I am just worried now about being a sex addict or something I can't find much on here about it and I am worried because the worries I have are more personal ones now and can't find much on here about it...I still have fears about other things aswell.

Does anybody else have these worries or strange ones? I am not working at the moment and told that may not help..I'm back to the google searching and keep looking for answers. :weep: