View Full Version : What is the most silly thing....

17-03-05, 17:35
That you have tried to convince yourself of whilst under the influence of anxiety - great theraphy to see it written down and just how ridiculous it looks! I don't mind starting...

Yesterday I fancied a biscuit with my cup of tea, went to the cupboard and low and behold all we had was my very favorite peanut topped cookies. Lovely me thinks and takes a bite. Mr Anxiety obviously not a fan of sweat treats said in my ear...psst -you do know that peanuts can cause anphalactic (spelling?) shock don't you. This is how the conversation in my head then proceeded:

Mr A - You already have a swollen throat it won't take much you know.

Sane me - Don't be daft I have eaten nuts all my life.

Mr A - Yes, but these things can develop later on in life you know.

Sane me - As it happens my throat does feel tighter.

Mr A - Told you, all of the tightning feelings that you have had to date have been a warning!!!

Sane me - O.M.G I am going to die.....arghhhh

Mr A - HA HA HA HA HA - so easy[}:)]

Sane me - Right Angie, you will sit and eat this whole bl!2dy biscuit - even if it does kill you [xx(]

Mr A - Mmmmmm, will have to think of something better for you tomorrow.

Sane me - What on earth was that all about [?][?][?][?][?][?]

I'd love to know some of the mad things you all convince yourself of, just so that I can be pre-armed next time Mr A is feeling playful!!!!!!

17-03-05, 18:01
LOL Angie

I can relate to what you are saying. We all convince ourselves of these silly things, don't we?

I can convince myself of anything ranging from heart problems, brain tumours, lung cancer, etc. I think: "What if my heart starts to feel funny?" and lo and behold, it DOES start to feel funny..

Why do we torture ourselves like this??

Sarah :D

17-03-05, 18:06
Hi Angie

I totally agree with everything you have just said, although i think I have had most symptoms related to anxiety in the past, if I read about someone elses symptoms on here, I seem to get them as well, mad eh!!

Take care

Elaine x

17-03-05, 19:27

I do the peanut thing too - every time I eat them!!

No idea why - we are just mad I guess!!!!


18-03-05, 11:38

Oh no!!

I have the peanut thing BIG TIME

Pls Pls Pls don't avoid them (I have been for a year and a half and for a while i wouldn't eat anything that even MAY contain traces of nuts!!) You were so right eating the whole box.

Unfortunetly I had started avoiding them before I was 'diagnoised'

My acute anxiety symptoms started with throat tightening (had panic attacks for years before that) and from that I started associating foods with anaphalaxic (sp?) shock and peanuts are the obvious ones!

So pls keeping eating these nuts and hopefully mr panic will forget about this one!!


18-03-05, 16:05
Lucky - how do you cope with the throat thing? I have been having this too for a couple of weeks now and it is really getting me down:(

21-03-05, 09:12

The throat tightening does go with time. The more you relax the better.

If you type in throat in the search box it should come up with loads of posts regarding it


21-03-05, 09:39
Hi Angie

I had the throat tightening too, once I went to see my GP and she told me what it was it disappeared, talk about mind over matter!

Take care

Elaine x

21-03-05, 10:09
Hi Angie,

I worry about peanuts too and my daughter who is nearly 10, still doesn't eat them!!!

Your MR A, is like what I call Logical Linda and Illogical Linda. This is about my ectopic beats, same scenario as your conversation with Mr A, but change the bit about eating peanuts to having an ectopic beat.

I remember, years back, when I didn't know I was suffering from anxiety, feeling like there was a lump in my throat everytime I swallowed, there wasn't, but I remember being scared of that. (My dad had throat cancer, which was probably my trigger for that) Sometimes still get that feeling, but that doesn't worry me too much, too busy panicking about my ectopics!!!

Hope your feeling better today.

Take care,

21-03-05, 14:01
Hi Angie this is a great topic!!

I too had the thing with the peanuts and would try to avoid them even though i had been eating them all my life. If we have a box of chocs like quality street etc, i go through the whole tin taking out all the ones containing nuts and i have even got my kids doing the same thing they won't touch anything such as snickers bars and always ask me if chocs have nuts in them so maybe I have them paranoid too!!

I also got stung by a bee last year on my hand and it swelled up terrrible, the first thing that entered my head was "what if i get anaphalactic shock and die!! I started to have a panic attack and could feel my throat tightening and ended up rushing for the Piriton!! My boyfriend thought it was hilarious but it just shows how you can convince yourself of silly things and blow them out of proportion which leads to panic attacks etc. THE MIND IS A POWERFUL THING!!
Take care and hope you are feeling better.
Love Lisaxx
P.s I now have a fear of bee's and wasps - silly eh!!

22-03-05, 12:14
Bees and wasps are another favourite of mine too (add it to the list)

Just for the anaphalactic (sp) shock aspect.

I try very hard not to let the kids know of my nut fear - although at my worst I really freaked out when my oldest was etaing a bag of peanuts

Now I let him eat chocolates with nuts etc in them and just tell him I don't like them.

Do sit quietly panicking if he comes near me with the offending choccie in hand but really don't want to give him a fear of nuts (especially since I fully intend to conquer mine one day!!)

Unfortuntely he has the wasp phobia (I take total blame) and runs a mile from them - my boyfriend goes mental!!


22-03-05, 14:02
Hi Angie,

I thought I was the only person to freak about anaphalactic shock! I was getting the throat tightening lumpy feeling and after having a camera down and finding nothing at all wrong with it I decided that I was getting warnings for anaphalactic shock. I actually stopped eating all nuts, then fish then one day refused to eat anything.....I eventually got so weak I couln't stand up and ached all over, 2 weeks ago I decided to eat again, it was hell, but I have done it and Ihave watched a program about it, 1)it is very very rare, but a lot of media hype and news about it lateley which makes it seem more common than it really is, 2) you are born with it and although you can develop allergies later in life they won't be to the extent of anaphalaxys.

When I started eating again, for half an hour after I was in tears because my mouth was itching (first sign of anaphalaxys), somehow I'm still here though...

I know someone who sings and claims it helps with the tight throat.

Bet you don't feel so silly now do you??

katiekatie x