View Full Version : FOllow-up appointment - some moral support please?

11-03-08, 08:31
Hi guys. If you remember I went off to have a breast lump checked out 6 weeks ago. I was told all was Ok after a mammogram and ultra-sound.

Today I have my follow-up with the consultant. Now I really want to be strong and positive and ensure that all my fears are cleared up.

How do I handle it instead of just feeling like I'm taking up his time? :shrug:

Any particular questions I should be asking? I also want to ensure that the lump I have is in the same place as the one identified on the ultra-sound. Can I ask him to check me again?

Any advice would be much appreciated. :blush:

11-03-08, 08:47

I just wanted to say good luck. I found it useful to write down what I wanted to say, as I always forget what I wanted, and end up coming out of their wishing I had answered certain questions.

good luck hun!


11-03-08, 09:38
I don't have any advice but wanted to wish you luck, hope it goes well and you are not taking up his time, that is his job after all.

11-03-08, 11:08
I've been in this situation twice before. I can't say that the same will happen for you but this is how my appointment went.

The consultant will have all the test results and it's he that makes the decision as to what is going on or to be done. In my cases the lumps were drained, which the consultants did themselves. They then ask how you are and if you have any questions. I was also told what to do if I had any further problems with the areas that were drained (which I didn't). In my case the consultants did examine me again but then they were going to do a further procedure.

I see nothing wrong in you checking that the lump they've identified is also the lump you can feel. Don't worry about taking up his time. He will want to make sure that all your fears are dealt with. After all he is used to seeing many women with this problem and will now how worried they've been over the past few weeks. The 2 consultants I've been treated by couldn't have been nicer, the second one in particular was a lovely guy.

There's usually a nurse assisting as well and she chats too you afterwards. So if you feel unable to speak to the consultant you may be able to talk to her.

Hope you overcome your fears to ask those niggling questions and put your mind at rest.

Good luck and :hugs: . Let us know how you got on.

11-03-08, 11:10
Hi hugs to you for today, yes do write it down what you would like to know, ask ask and ask again, it,s your right to know what,s going on with you. :hugs:

11-03-08, 11:56
Just sending you some :hugs::hugs:

Hope it goes ok today hun.

Jo xxxxx

11-03-08, 14:16
I wouldn't be worrying for this appt hun as I think if there was anything worrying them they wouldn't have left it 6 weeks to discuss.

I too had some cysts on my boobs drained in January and I know only too well how anxious I found the whole thing.

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-03-08, 17:17
Hope it went ok today. I am sure it did. :yesyes:

11-03-08, 20:36
Hi Jenny,

Hope it went well today.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
best wishes,

12-03-08, 08:54
Hi Guys and thanks for all your well wishes :hugs:

Everything went fine. He went through my results. Basically I have lots of small cysts and nodules in my breasts - particularly the right one. This explains the pain I get before my period (and sometimes just random).

He examined me again and agreed I was very "nodular" and recommended that as good practice, I should have a mammogram/ultrasound carried out every 2 years. Not that I'm a risk or anything, but purely because of my lumps and bumps.

He explained that he had no concerns over my breasts :) and that I should go away now and forget about everything. I went on to say that I could be back every month to see him coz of my lumps and bumps but he said that I would be able to detect a cancer lump and I would have absolutely no doubt about it - from the feel of it. He explained that I wouldn't just feel a bump and wonder "is this or isn't this"; with a cancer lump you would just know.

He said that breast cysts can be aggrevated (painful) by 3 things:
1. Medication
2. Stress/anxiety
3. Busy lifestyle

Well the 2nd too affect me so no wonder they hurt!

He also said that as I am lumpy/nodular, this does NOT make me anymore prone to breast cancer.

I'm feeling better today :D

Just one thing though - is breast cancer a slow developing cancer? Wonder why they are happy to only screen every 2 years?

12-03-08, 09:34
Hu there,

glad you had a good appointment, he sounds like he's more than happy with you. I have to say what he said to you about 'just knowing if something were not right' really helps me too. I've lost count of the hours i spend just wondering is it a lump or not.

anx x

12-03-08, 10:02
Your boobs sound just like mine lol (it's the right one with me too)!! Glad you got it sorted hun!

Piglet :flowers:

12-03-08, 11:15
Hu there,

I have to say what he said to you about 'just knowing if something were not right' really helps me too. I've lost count of the hours i spend just wondering is it a lump or not.

anx x

oh me too! :blush:

yes, when he said "you would know the difference", it was said in a very serious way, not just a passing comment.