View Full Version : Feel "Nervy!"

Kim Baker
11-03-08, 11:59
My Daughter Kate takes her Driving Test tomorrow and I think my Nerves are coming out in sympathy with hers:ohmy:

Feel really anxious and shaky!

Any advice please......

Kim X

11-03-08, 12:02
Thats normal, just try taking ur mind off it with music/tv/hobbies:)

11-03-08, 12:24
Try not to mistake the feelings of anxiety with the feelings of excitement. Have u thought that maybe your just excited for your daughter. The excitement would make your body feel just like your feelings anxious. the symptoms are almost identical.

Be happy.

11-03-08, 14:12
Yep I agree sometimes anxiety and excitment feel the same to us 'nervy' folk!

My best tip would be to keep busy and do something like clear a drawer out or something - you may feel crappy as you start but honestly a few mins in and your mind gets distracted and even if it doesn't distract you fully you then have a tidy drawer and a sense of achievement!!

I too have one of my kids coming up to their driving test soon and I do know what you mean!

Piglet :flowers:

Kim Baker
12-03-08, 19:19
She failed her "Driving Test":weep:

Kim X

12-03-08, 21:01
Yep so did mine - it's good practice for them though (bit expensive isn't it).

We all know a bit of luck on the day has to be factored in doesn't it - hopefully they'll both get it next time. Some of the best drivers take a few times to pass!

Love Piglet :flowers:

Kim Baker
12-03-08, 21:58
Hi! Piglet,

So sorry to hear that your Son/Daughter failed as well.....

My Daughter Kate according to the Examiner drove extremly well throughout the test - but on return to the test centre was asked to reverse park in between two white lines (Parking Bay). He asked her she was happy with what she had done and she thought he might be tricking her so she said yes - her back wheel was on the white line so he failed her - apparently this is a major fault!

What did yours fail on?....

I feel really gutted and annoyed we have to pay out again - it is so expensive - £48.00 for the test and £50.00 to have the driving school car for the hour.

Trying desparately to get another test booked.

Good Luck! to yours next time - keep me posted.

Kim X:hugs:

12-03-08, 22:06
My daughter took her driving test today in derby, and she failed hers 2nd time , this time she nudged the kerb when parking in between two cars she failed on the 4th of feb , this time stalling the car 3 times. Still she ,s put in for it again and takes it on the 2 nd of may. But have to agree it,s very expensive.

13-03-08, 12:19
Will keep you posted as she has her 2nd test due at the beginning of April!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

Kim Baker
14-03-08, 11:16
Good Luck! for the beginning of April......

Please could you tell me how you got another test so quickly? Am trying desparately to get a cancellation on the dsa website with no joy.

Stressing me out!

Kim X

14-03-08, 15:20
Well her first fail was about 3 weeks ago so I suppose it means a wait of about a month doesn't it unless you get a cancellation.

Piglet :flowers:

Kim Baker
14-03-08, 18:41
Thanks Piglet:)

Only just found out today that you have to wait 10 days after the last test - no wonder I can't get a cancellation.

Kim X