View Full Version : im scared

11-03-08, 16:07
i just dont feel right sometimes, alot of the time i can go along being ok,
but at the mo i seem to keep thinking somethings wrong with me other thn anxiety,

im sure its the thoughts makin me feel crap, every time i go docs they say anxiety, im sure theyv stopped listenin so wouldnt know if nethin was up.


11-03-08, 18:19
Hey Hun

I have been the same, even when my doc tells me its anxiety i worry that i am seen as being an annoying patient.

our docs would not compromise our safety, thats what i try and tell myself.

I have been trying to keep busy today, keep the mind active! I find reading helps to.

Love and hugs

11-03-08, 19:45
Hi Cassi,

Mr Anxiety will not want to give up on you without a fight!!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Keep believing in yourself-that you are on the right track.Accept that those thoughts and feelings will try to worm their way in BUT fight them.
Write them down and challenge them or get up and do something different to take your focus onto safer ground.
best wishes,

14-03-08, 19:50

i get along ok for a while then something gets me going...like my heart again!

Ive had 2 episodes in a week where my heart has just raced and started and stopped suddenly.

I googles and it came up with ventricular tachycardia which can lead to sudden death! AAAHHHH, scared myself to death so obviously anxious.
This heart thing is new to me, iv seen a cardiologist about ectopics but do you think i should see my gp as these are new? Im fretting!

Thanks again
Cassi xxxxxxx

14-03-08, 20:31
I always feel as though the Dr has had enough of me and doesn't want to listen to me anymore, I always believe that as I have been labelled with anxiety that they will always diagnose that instead of something else but then isn't that what anxious people do think???

I do try to persuade myself that they are Drs and they are qualified and if they thought it was osmething else they would listen, it helps me to think that way.

Sending you lots of positive vibes to get through this scary stage, I am sure we have all been there.

14-03-08, 21:18
hi im just the same i didnt realise how many people have the same as me till i joined this group ,even when im not having a full blown anx attack i feel drained and shakey and get pains in back shoulder neck ,have googled every think going ,from heart attack to strokes ,the more you read the more you will convince yourself you have it ,im fed up of running to docs i bet he getting fed up of seeing me .but yes i am convinsed somtimes they have it all wrong and its not anx ,but sumat more serious , im new to all this as only been sufering his the last 3 months and i dont like it at all

15-03-08, 15:27
The worst thing us health anxiety sufferers can do is google our symptoms as it always come up with the most negative responce first!! I have tried to ban myself now from googling and put my trust in my Drs instead.

I am exactly like you hun. Some says I feel great but them others I feel sick and I don't want to do anything or go anywhere.

I was at work last night and at the moment I am suffering from an ache in my leg and because I didn't feel that ache I started to worry and made myself feel sick because I thought maybe a clot was on its way to my heart!!:weep:

I felt like this nearly all night when I got home until I distracted myself. My distraction that makes me feel better after about half an hour is either reading a good uplifting book or coming on the computer to play games or go on facebook!

Anxiety is exhausting! But be rest assured that you are not alone! :hugs:

Pauline xx