View Full Version : Panic Attacks and driving!!

11-03-08, 17:33
I need some advice, my husband recently bought me a motorbike ( as i have always wanted one). The problem is i have to do CBT which is compulsory basic trainning. It is basically a 6 hour course to learn the ins and outs and gives me a certficate to drive the motorbike on the roads with L plates. The problem i have is i suffered panic attacks and get very anxious when I have to do something i am not to sure off. My husband keeps going on and on that i should have done it by now and i feel pressurised. I really want to do it but my confidence always seems to stop me doing things. I have no self belief in myself. I feel I have never achieved much in my life and this would give me some independance. But the fear of panic and my confidence just lets me down any advice would be gratefully recieved. thanks x :emot-pray:

11-03-08, 19:34
Hi Margaret,

It is very doubtful that you will be the first person with anxiety to be faced by your instructors.
Have a chat with them in advance of the course starting about how to get the best out of you and them.
Start the positive re-inforcement for yourself now:- think of all the benefits you will get from completing this course.Write them down,if it helps.
You might even enjoy this course.have you "allowed" yourself to consider this possibility?
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Believe in yourself.
Best wishes,

11-03-08, 19:53

Ask yourself what you want more?

To give in and feel like a failure again or to get up and go and do it?:shrug:

What have you got to lose and what have you got to gain?

I bet you know the answer. :yesyes:

You have to push yourself with anxiety and panic or it wins and the ONLY person that misses out is you.

Remember our motto on here - JFDI :winks:

11-03-08, 21:28
Just a thought, CBT compulsory basic training - or CBT cognitive behavioural therapy

What a nice coincidence. Look on the bike training as something that is going to improve your life and the way you think. You will succeed. There is no time limit to learning a new skill enjoy the ride. Good luck

11-03-08, 21:47
Book your course and go for it. Once you are there you will be so immersed in concentration and enjoying it so much you will have no time to worry about panicking. It is so much fun .I did mine some time back and went on to get my full bike licence.
You have nothing to lose.
Good luck.
Donna :yesyes:

12-03-08, 15:29
Can you not do it private one on one.. first talk to the instrutor about your situation or the company you use. Does your husband know you are suffering? If so surely he needs to show you some compassion and support.

I would be scared of doing in a group situation hence why I said one on one..

Will probably be alot more expensive but if you find it easier.. then again I dont know if they even do 1/1's but its worth asking.


12-03-08, 18:06
Thank you very much for your advice, I am desperate to go for it. Someone said to me there is nothing to fear but fear its self i suppose thats true. I have been practicing on my own couple of acres of land just i hate failing always been told since i was little i will not achieve much out of life and i am not very confident. It is just having the courage to go for it thats my problem i give up too easily. I have phoned the instructor I am planning to get my CBT and explained i suffer panic attacks/ anxiety, she has says it is ok if i can not do it on one day she will let me do it over a couple of days. I just need to start believing in myself which is not easy when you have been put down most of yu life!!

13-03-08, 15:12
Exactly, self belief will destroy panic and aniexty completely.

I too have been told the things you have over 18years of an abusive step dad.

worthless etc etc.. the usual degrading things you could possibly think to say to someone!

Anyway set small targets and as you achieve each one your confidence to do things will grow.

I set myself targets to walk 10mins a day... at the moment im doing about 30mins a day!!


It's hard to over come deep rooted feelings and problems. But it can only be undone from you. I dont believe theres any technique that can do anything without some work having to come from you.

The first BIG and GREAT step was the conversation with the instrutor.

I think the idea of having an instrutor that doesnt know/understand the problem would of been worrying you to begin with. But know obviously you dont need to worry about that.

I think you will do great.

I am like you, every time I do something now. I CANT BELIEVE I actually did it.

Dentists, Hospital Operation to name but a few!!

Ohh and going to newcastle for my christmas. 200miles in a car up there and 200 back..

Didnt panic once.

All of these little things count to alot.

And you are doing the same as we speak. So smile and be proud. Maybe look at getting some relaxation cds in relation to confidence and self belief.

They're really good.

Dan xx

13-05-08, 21:59
Just thought I would let everyone I passed my CBT Motorbike trainning today. I am so chuffed :yahoo: no panic at all. Now I can have some independance :D

13-05-08, 23:00
Well done Margaret.

eternally optimistic
13-05-08, 23:07
Hi Margaret

H O O R A Y.........

I was just about to type you this truly encouraging message and scrolled down to see YOU did it..

Remember this experience every time you have doubt about yourself and this will reinforce your thoughts that you can do whatever you want.

Well done and happy biking..