View Full Version : Ugh can't even think straight...

11-03-08, 18:39
:scared10::scared10::scared10: My brain feels so cluttered... so messed up... can barely talk without being OCD about how I said it or reading it... ... does anyone get like this at all? I'm so afraid I have brain damage, and I failed my campaign too...

11-03-08, 19:14
Hi Paulos,

take a time-out.
Put a nice relaxing cd on,lie down and do some nice slow breathing exercises.
Focus your mind only on the cd.Force yourself to focus.
You will be o.k.
Best wishes,
:hugs: :hugs:

11-03-08, 20:25
But I'm so scared I really am so scared I'm so ocd about it I am so scared I can't believe how afraid I am... my memory is so poor...

11-03-08, 20:28
Hi Paulos,

Mr O.C.D. will ALWAYS try to tell you this.He will ALWAYS say but......
Until you say NO and just do it,he will always win.
No matter what he says,you ARE stronger than you think.
Best wishes,

11-03-08, 20:35
But it's just like it has control over me... I'm so pitiful... my brain is like held captive and being a slave... so scared. Thanks for your help chalky but I don't know if I'll survive this.

11-03-08, 20:39
Oh course you will survive cos you are better than it and it cannot kill you.

Fight back and shout at it and don't let it win ok?

11-03-08, 20:41
Hi Paulos,

Do what Nic says!!!!!
:hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

11-03-08, 21:33
Hi Paulos so sorry you're having a bad time. Its hard to be positive when things are tough. Although i don't have ocd I really feel for yu. Is there any one who can work through the relaxation techniques with you. I have a guided tape and found that helpful. I,m really thinking of you and sending you warm wishes for some peace.

12-03-08, 00:22
Yes very hard to be positive or aggressive when you're suffering hard... I have my mother who is the reason I survive... thanks sheba and all.

12-03-08, 18:39
Hope your having a better day today Paulos. Still thinking of you