View Full Version : Hello

11-03-08, 21:29

this is harder than I thought it would be. I'm generally a mess. I seem to have a little bit of everything. Anxiety, depression, BDD, OCD, agoraphobia ... Talk about labels!

At the moment I'm debating whether to take meds or not as I'm feeling overwhelmed by suicidal thoughts. Acutally I can't make any sense of my thoughts at all. Hence the reason for joining here tonight.

I've never done this before. No doubt I'm alienating people already with my self-pitying ramblings. Tonights bout of anxiety began with of all things, my neighbours gate banging incessantly. Yep ... I'm barking.

Tomorrow is a big day. Psychiatric appointment. After years of refusing, I've finally agreed to a change of meds. I've big issues with side effects ... mainly worries over weight gain. Plus I've had some spectacularly bad reactions to meds in the past.

Look I don't know what else to say. I think I'm pretty supportive given the chance. Tonight probably wasn't the best night for me to the introduction thingy.

Should have probably just taken my meds and shut up.

Sorry. And take care ♥

11-03-08, 21:33
Hey Paradox, welcome to NMP :)

There is no time like the present to introduce yourself to the forum, and you're not alienating anyone with your "ramblings".

We are all here to support each other and you will meet some great people here, together with getting some great advice :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

12-03-08, 13:08
Hello Paradox And Welcome.....i Wish Ya Well.........linda

12-03-08, 14:12
Hi Paradox,

I too also suffer with anxiety, depression and ocd so i know how you feel. Welcome to NMP, you will get lots of advice and support here xxx

12-03-08, 15:33
Hi Paradox and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Don't worry about alienating yourself or rambling as you haven't and we're all here to support one another.

Take care,

Mike :)

12-03-08, 16:21
:welcome: hi paradox, yeah like nibbles said weve heard it/ felt it all before so dont apologise! thats what this group is for - to listen and support - so hello and i hope to get to know you soon, take care:hugs: emma

12-03-08, 21:11
Hi Paradox,

Welcome to the Forum!!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Be proud of yourself for tackling your health issues.
You will get better!!!
Best wishes,

12-03-08, 21:26
Hello Paradox:welcome: to you!

Believe me, you are not a rambler - sharing our thoughts and feelings is all part of the support network that is NMP.

You'll find plenty of help and support here - and good information and advice in the links on the left of this page.

Glad you joined us, pleased to meet you.


12-03-08, 22:25
Hi Paradox

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

12-03-08, 23:43

Welcome to NMP, you will get loads of advise and support here and make many friends along the way....Don't forget to visit the chatroom !! :hugs:

13-03-08, 16:22
Thank you all so much for your replies.

They're truly appreciated.

hugs ♥

13-03-08, 17:51
:) hi there, just re-read your first post - how are you feeling now youve seen the psychiatrist? hope you dont mind me asking:blush: ive suffered with the suicidal thoughts every time ive been depressed, so i was wondering how you were and if you discussed it with the shrink, and if you feel reassured at all? emma:winks:

17-03-08, 16:17
It went okay ... I've agreed to a med change. Though we've yet to agree on the med of choice for my anxiety. I'm limited due to my reaction to some drugs. He's willing to take the risk that I won't react as badly as I have done previously. I'm not entertaining the notion of risk - full stop. But overall, it went okay. I've finally got an appointment to see a psychologist after being on the waiting list for over a year. But apparently I'm one of the lucky ones. The usual waiting time in my neck of the woods is 18mths. Which frankly is a bit pants.

Thanks for asking how things went.

Take care ♥

18-03-08, 19:19

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx