View Full Version : Pounding heart

12-03-08, 01:21
HI all, I am new to this site and it is a revelation! So many people who have symptoms just like mine!
Anyway, I would like to describe my symptoms and have all you lovely people tell me I've got nothing to worry about...
On 21st January '08 I had an endoscopy (I have a long-term nausea problem and my GP decided he wouldn't give me any more drugs without investigating it). I had lignocaine sprayed in my throat and my heart rate instantly shot up to 150. After a few minutes it came down to 110 and they carried out the endoscopy, which was fine. They kept me in for an hour or so to observe my BP and ECG. The ECG was fine but pulse stuck at 110, BP about 160/100. They said that was fine and sent me home.
Since then (ie, 7 weeks ago) my pulse has been raised and I've had chest pains and a terrible feeling of pounding in my chest, back and neck.
I have had a 24-hour ECG and an echocardiogram. Also blood tests for anaemia, thyroid and various other things, plus a chest x-ray. ALL tests have come back normal. BP is mostly about 130/80 (I don't monitor it at home - this is what it reads at the GP's. It has been higher than this, but not often and never as high as it was just after the endoscopy).
However, my sleep is very disturbed and I wake up several times a night with my heart going at 120bpm. It then takes an hour or so to settle back to 80, which I know is in the normal range, but is high for me. I can feel the pounding ALL THE TIME. The slightest exertion causes my heart to race and thump and then take ages to get back to 'normal'. I also suffer with aching pain in my upper back, and pain and tightness in my chest and a feeling of not being able to catch my breath. My usual calming techniques (deep breathing, visualisation, distraction etc etc) are not working at all and I am struggling to get on with my life.
I ought to add that before I had this procedure I was very fit (4 aerobics classes a week; lots of walking). I am 42, female, don't smoke, don't take caffeine at all and drink in moderation (maybe 3 or 4 glasses of wine a week, although I've had no alcohol since this started). I have two gorgeous kids and a wonderful husband. I had a depressive episode in 1995 when my father died, but was successfully treated with Prozac (placebo or not - I don't care!). I never had any problems with my heart or blood pressure.
I have been offered Citalopram and beta-blockers but am too scared to take them because of potential side-effects (I don't have a good track record in that respect - apparent bad reaction to lignocaine, although I've been told that that is 'impossible'; bad reaction to ibuprofen; bad reaction to codydramol, etc etc). I am also now too scared to exercise, although I'm sure it would do me good (I originally joined the gym to help with my depression and it made a real difference).
All the medical people have told me it's anxiety and I'm sure they're right. I just can't help thinking 'Well, they would say that, wouldn't they? It's the simplest and most obvious answer, so why bother with any other explanation?' Pat me on the head and tell me to go away and 'stop worrying'. Yeah, right.
I guess you've heard all this before, but I'm at my wits' end (and so is my poor, long-suffering family).
Sorry to go on for so long. Any and all advice gratefully received!
Thanks, C.

pink daisy
13-03-08, 15:13
Hi cancat

This does sound like anxiety so thats good!! and not anything to get paranoid about..
if you read most posts of anxiety im sure you will find that alot of people feel the same way and have alot of those symptoms.
I guess cos u havent had many answers over the years you have just put more and more worrying thoughts in your head.
Im glad u have came to this site co u will get alot of help and make alot of friends here xx

Speak soon

Rachey poos
13-03-08, 23:26
i am wakin all the time at the mo wiv heart pounding...other night it went to about 184....panic..last niht it was about 122.... then flutters a bit and settles down again! read my blog below...... explains all, x:hugs:

14-03-08, 09:02
184 wow!:ohmy:
I will read your blog, thanks Rachel.