View Full Version : Pain Duration

12-03-08, 08:35
What are peoples experience as to the length of time pain or symptoms associated with Health Anxiety disorders can persist eventually settling down as the anxiety abates.

I have had a persistent pain in my right lower rib and back pain which the Doc is putting down to Health Anxiety and which has been there for 4-6 weeks. I'am have now been on Citalopram for three weeks.

Can such sypmtoms linger for some time ????

13-03-08, 09:58
When my anxiety first started I had it permantley for about a year, it wasn't until i finally spoke up to a Dr and started to deal with my problems that things started to settle.

I have also found that if you put things into perspective, it can also make a huge difference, I had an achy left arm which was sometimes lasted minutes and other times days or weeks, i finally realised last week that this was actually tension, so instead of worrying about what it might be I taught myself to accept it as tension and try to relax more than I normally would, was really surprised when I got up the next day and my arm was fine again.

Must say it doesn't always work as now the arm ache has gone my chest pains are back but I am not letting them win this time.

I hope your pains go away soon, try not to focus on them and focus on something more positive.

13-03-08, 11:04
In my experience, it lasts as long as it takes. Tension does all sorts of things, and it's only when I've finally forgotten about being anxious that it goes away. By which time I've forgotten about it, so I never know how long it took. I think around 2 months is my record.