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12-03-08, 09:53
I take 20mg every morning but I still wake every morning with a load of anxiety. Have been on 20 mg for three weeks and 10 mg for four weeks before. Towards the evening i feel more calm but i hate the anxiety in the morning and it makes me feel very negative which doesn't help when i'm getting married in just over two weeks.

I just wondered if there is a good time to take the medication every day and if that makes a difference and also would it be worth upping the dose to 30mg? any thoughts?

12-03-08, 11:00
Hi Frank,
Have a word with your gp.I am on 30mg which I take in a morning.You may need an increase in doseage or maybe its pre wedding nerves.Your anxiety may increase for a few days when you do increase though.
julie x:hugs:

12-03-08, 11:32
My doctor told me to take mine in the morning so I can sleep well at night. After reading a similar thread I found out that taking meds in the evening can stop people from sleeping properly.

I would say morning.

Congratulations with the wedding, come back in 2 weeks and tell us how it went :D I'm getting married in 2010 and I need tips!!

12-03-08, 13:07
im the odd one out i take mine at night and find it suits me as it doesnt really affect my sleep.
good luck xx

12-03-08, 17:01
Hi Frank, I would say it's probably down mainly to pre wedding nerves. When I got married 2 years ago, I turned into a nervous wreck with worrying about everything going perfectly etc. After the wedding, you'll probably be hugely relieved and much calmer. You could always ask your Doc to up it to 30mg to help with the panic and then gradually drop back to 20mg if you are feeling calmer.
I take my cit in the morning but I have found on this drug,that I still get anxiety and panic, it doesn't seem to block it all together. See what your Doc says about it.
Good luck with your wedding, I'm sure you'll have a fab day.

15-03-08, 12:08
Still taking 20mg but trying to take it at night. I am very anxious about the wedding and am in constant mode of 'what if's' Panicking all over the place. Having a very bad day. Wake upp with the morning terrors every day.

15-03-08, 12:39
Hi Frank,

Keep reminding yourself that a wedding is a biggie for anyone and it will be completely normal to have the jitters in this period.Don't forget though that your wedding will be a starting point for you and your partner to set off on a wonderful journey together.You have lots of positive things to look forward too.
Would it help if you took your Meds at lunchtime?
Best wishes,

15-03-08, 15:45
I should think anyone getting married will be waking up anxious! It's a big event and I am sure you are going to have an absolute terrific time.

I took mine in the morning and my therapist told me that if I ever did fancy a glass of wine in the evening it was best to have the tablet in the morning. So you'll be still be able to quaff lots of champers!

I think if I was you I'd have a chat with the Dr about upping the dose onlyh cos' there's a wedding approaching.

15-03-08, 16:47
I take mine in the morning (been taking it for 1 week at 10mg and 3 weeks at 20mg) and I too have been waking up and feeling awful all morning and then gradually better as the day goes on until I feel fine in the evening. Apparently this is a classic symptom of anxiety or depression.

I had a session with a hypnotherapist this week and she made a very good point that if I go to bed with the fear/thought that I am going to feel bad in the morning then guess what - I will!

So now as I go up to bed (and at other times during the day) I tell myself (both out loud and in my head) that I am going to feel great tomorrow morning and i will wake up feeling calm and relaxed. I am also practicing deep breathing (count to 4 breathing in, pause, count to 4 breathing out, pause etc.etc.) and self hypnosis.

The last 3 days since I have done this have been completely different - although I have felt some anxiety, it is reduced and controllable.

The power of positive thinking is amazing! Good luck with the wedding. I remember when I got married that I couldn't eat or sleep for a week before and it all melted away as soon as I put on my dress on the day!