View Full Version : Positive Thinking Thread

12-03-08, 11:02
Just had a lovely session with my counsellor and she has told me to think of some positive things that I can tell myself when I am feeling anxious and I wondered if we should have a thread for posting good feelings and positive affirmations. Then if we have an off day we can look back over them and remember the good things in our lives.

So to start us off....

I have a supportive, loving family

I do not have to go back and teach after easter

I am a good teacher but I choose not to teach

I am a good teaching assistant

I have friends who care about me

I am going to get through this and be a better person for it

Anyone else care to join me?

12-03-08, 11:21
I think this is great

I have a lovely family

I have a nice house

people love me and need me

I am currently off work but being paid for it

no current financial worries

I am very good at my job

there is always someone to turn to on this website

people have posted success stories so there is light at the end of the tunnel

12-03-08, 12:00
You sound just like my fiancé!! He is a teaching assistant too :D


I am healthy

This feeling will go

When this passes I'll feel stronger then ever before

If I can cope with this I can cope with EVERYTHING!!

I'm stuck for ideas now :P

12-03-08, 12:02
reading your positive thoughts makes me feel good too!

Keep em coming!

12-03-08, 13:02
Good Idea

I have a great family
A supportive Husband
A wonder son who makes me laugh
Nice House (when I can bothered to tidy lol )