View Full Version : Pernicious Anaemia

12-03-08, 14:37
Hi all

I was just wondering if anyone had any experience or new anyone with experience of pernicious anaemia. I have just been diagnosed with this and due to being agoraphobic, it is in the advanced stages where apart from the normal symponms, I have some nerve damage, with pins and needles in my hands and its also effected my taste and sense of smell.

I have to wait until next week for the results of further blood tests before I start the injections and I am absolutely petrified, it is totally taking over my life, I cant sleep or think about anything else.

Can anyone re-assure me or give me any advise please?

Luv Barb xx

:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

12-03-08, 15:19
Hi Barb :hugs:

This is a lack of vit B12.

Try this link, it will show you your NOT alone, there are other memebers on here with the same thing.

I know how scared you are hun, but this can be sorted, with the right treatment.

Hope this helps.

YOU TAKE CARE :hugs: :flowers:



12-03-08, 15:25
When I was 18 I had to be tested for this because I had abnomally low B12 levels - mine however was purely down to poor diet rather than an inability to absorb B12 from my food.

I'm guessing the treatment is much the same whatever the underlying cause and I can tell you you will feel so much better after the injections (which are tiny little ones anyway). I also had to take folic acid tablets too.

Love Piglet :flowers:

12-03-08, 16:42
hi i have vb12 injections 3 monthly there not as bad as you think they will be good luckxx

13-03-08, 13:33
Thank you for the replies, its reassured me a bit, but I am still worried about the injections as someone told me they were painfull and about the stuff that is injected into me in case it makes me feel bad. Doc has given me some B12 for now and they are giving me diahorrea already. Any advice would be grateful.

Luv Barb xx

13-03-08, 15:04
I don't remember the injections as painful at all, nor do I recall any side effects other than feeling a hell of a lot better.:yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

13-03-08, 15:07
Thanks Piglet, that really helps.

Luv Barb xx :) :) :)

13-03-08, 18:46
My ex hubby (still good friends) has this. When he first had the injections he says he felt euphoric and didn't realise how bad he'd felt and for how long. He has jabs every 2 months but would like to have them more often as they make such a great difference to the way he feels. I'm sure you will be fine.

13-03-08, 19:43
Wow Sheba that really cheered me up thanks:D :D

Luv Barb xxx

24-03-08, 13:10
I had my first B12 injection last week i'm not really starting to feel any better yet but i think some of it is also stress related. The injection i had was in my left arm near the shoulder the nurse said it would hurt but it was more like a shrap prick then it didn't hurt after that and it didn't bruise either like it does sometimes when they take blood out of my arm.
I went to the doctor when I had all day numbness in my arms and legs and they tested me for this I have been told to have one shot a week for 5 weeks then I think they said something about checking my level again.

24-03-08, 14:18
Hi Barb,

My Grandmother suffered from pernicious anaemia all her life and was on treatment for it. To be honest I don't know how it was treated in her case but I know it was kept under control and she lived to a ripe old age! It didn't seem to stop her from doing anything!!!

Try not to worry. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx