View Full Version : Panic attacks after or during exercise/gym

12-03-08, 15:34
I spent a very long time avoiding anything that made my heart elevate.


as they often caused me to have panic attacks, now im starting to exercise and walking daily but I still find that when during a work out and Im full of the adreneline and I notice panic related symptoms (that are suposed to be there due to the physical activity) like out of breath etc etc

Because ive conditioned my brain/body that these symptoms = panic it automatically sends me into one.

Does anyone else get like this?

Im sure its something NLP/TFT could resolve.

If only paul mckenna lived near by lol..


12-03-08, 16:31

I know where you're coming from. I used to get really panicky if I walked up a hill coz i'd get a little breathless.

The first type of exercise I got myself into was pole dancing classes (they are for fitness, nothing else!!...well, maybe a good giggle at the same time). The bonus with this was that I went with a friend, and it was so much fun that I didn't notice my breathing had elevated or my heart was pumping (coz it is hard work!), and so I got used to it like that.
Now I go running regularly and I know that when my heart is pounding and I'm breathing heavily, it'll all return to normal fairly shortly after I stop.
Funnily enough, I know that when I'm exercising, it all will return to normal, but when I think of panic, I feel like I have no control over it...strange!

It's all about building up. Soon, your brain will realise that it's ok to be out of breath a little, or for your heart to be going a little faster, and then you shouldn't panic.

Well, I don't know if this had made sense, but I hope I helped.


13-03-08, 00:47
It helped me Kate.

I am just the same as Dlou mentioned in that I tend to avoid anything that will elevate my heart rate - as I go straight into big time panic when that happens. So walking up lots of stairs or big hills is a real problem for me. I am always convinced that I'm going to die. But it hasn't happened yet! LOL

Anyhow, when the weather gets a little better I'm going to get into the habit of walking regularly - enough to get out of breath etc. - so my body will get used to it and hopefully this will reduce the panics.

13-03-08, 12:17
Yep I'm another one who's just the same and like the rest of you have made myself exercise to try and overcome it!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

13-03-08, 14:46
Technically, exercise releases endorphins so should make you feel good, also its supposed to 'burn off' excess adrenaline.
I only feel worse after a work out if Ive gone heavy on the weights.
Hope you overcome this anyway.:)

13-03-08, 15:04
I worked out yesterday had a panic attack but an hour later I felt amazing!!! couldnt stop smiling!!!

Man I wish these Endorphins came in a bottle haha (although I hate taking meds so I probably wouldnt take them anyway haha)

14-03-08, 00:10
Did you do anything to cope with the panic attack, dlou? Like resting, or breathing. Or did you just grit your teeth and carry on exercising? I'm wondering what is the best way to deal with these situations.

17-03-08, 14:53
I just walked it off, I didnt carry on exercising.. The best thing for a panic attack is to walk slowly and controlling your breathing.

22-03-08, 11:09

This is what originally kick started my Anxiety. I was working out at the gym when I felt a small muscle in my chest go twang. I stopped what I was doing and sat up. I felt a little lightheadedness and then that thought caused a worry of may be my heart was involved and so i lay down and I started to worry more as I felt worse...I started to feel depersonisation and felt like I was in a dream. I scurried off to get a shower and get out of there. The rest is history and while I am here today. My body is listning to every ache, lump, twinge etc.. and very easily I end up dizzy and panicky.

The docs said it was the cardio workout that increased my heart rate and exagerated the already anxious state in to a panic attack. I have never been back to that gym since.


22-03-08, 11:29
Hi D,

Our minds naturally interpret our responses to exercise as panic symptoms.We are moving outside our comfort zone and our minds are not used to this.
Patience and perseverance will lead to fitter,healthier bodies and also proper interpretation of this by our minds.
Keep going.You are doing a great thing!!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

23-03-08, 17:49
I too avoid hills and even gentle slopes as I fear the breathlessness and increase in heart rate that this brings. I know it's because I've got weak due to not going out and now need to build up my stamina, but still the panic comes. I am overcoming it gradually though.

16-04-08, 18:47
i can't exercise or I panic...but i can have sex all night long without worry.....too bad the meds make it impossible to ejaculate....girlfriend doesn't mind....

02-03-17, 20:14
Well I'm officially not the only crazy one out there. I have suffered from panic attacks on and off for the last couple of years. It all started after my father had a stroke. He was a large individual who drank and smoke in excess however since his stroke I've created this internal self checking mechanism. If my hand hurts. Oh no is it a blood clot. If I have a headache it's a stroke. It's all stress related I'm sure. But I've recently joined a gym and found myself on the verge of a panic attack. It feels like my heads about to explode and it all spiral out of control. It's good to hear people are dealing with the same sort of problems.