View Full Version : Trying not to panic (women only!!)

12-03-08, 18:13
Hi all

I have been really good recently and have really kept the panic symptoms in check. It's probably because since I had my third child last August, I haven't had time to worry about myself!!

Anyway, I am worrying about my periods now. After my son was born, I bled heavily for 5 weeks, had a break of about 4 days and then bled again for another 6 weeks. This was eventually put down to not producing enough milk to keep the periods at bay and I had break through bleeding. It eventually stopped; I had a 2 week break and then my period began for a week in November. Since then, I have been pretty regular but with heavier than normal periods for me. I have also had bad PMT and awful ovulation pains around mid-cycle. Yesterday, 12 days into my new cycle and only 6 days since finsihing my last period, I started bleeding agin (not a lot but there) and have cramps too. My doctor has said that some women have mid-cycle bleeding and just to keep a note of it. She said she wasn't worried especially as I stopped breast feeding about a month ago. I had a smear today anyway as I was due one.

Despite the fact that my doctor is not the least bit concerned, I am still panicking and thinking about cancer and all sorts. What is upsetting me more than anything is that I can feel my anxiety rising again and it had all been so good for a while. I feel annoyed with myself and very worried that this will start me in a downward spiral of anxiety and hyperchondria. The doctor took my blood pressure while I was there and it was up to 133/95.

Can anyone offer any reassurance please?? Or has anyone experienced similar symptoms?


12-03-08, 18:58
Jo. Your hormones are all over the place and this is causing the irregular bleeding. I had virtually the same symptoms as you after the birth of my 3rd child. I thought things would never get back to normal. I eventually had the mirena coil fitted and that was fine until 4 years later when the hormone level in it reduces. I then went through the same bleeding symptoms again only much heavier. They settled down after about 8mths and everything went back to normal again. Until now when I've got menopausal symptoms but then I'm 52 now so no surprise there.

I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Plus the hormone fluctuations play havoc with anxiety levels - the joys of womanhood!!!

12-03-08, 19:24
Hello !
Your blood pressure wasn't bad given that you were at the doctors and feeling anxious. I'm assuming the doc did an internal as well as the smear - so you can be ABSOLUTELY certain that nothing has been missed. I think you're doing great, you should be proud of yourself.
Be kind to yourself

12-03-08, 23:07
Hi Jo

Sorry to hear you are so worried at the moment. I had a miscarriage last July and experienced the same sort of thing as you. I bled for 2 weeks then about 3 weeks later it started again for 2/3 weeks and this carried on for 4 months. Then my cycle went the other way and I had nothing for 3 months. My GP said that hormones take a while to settle after pregnancy or miscarriage and I have to say that I have just had a period so hope he is right.

Thinking of you

Nikki x

12-03-08, 23:08
Me again!!!

Sorry, forgot to say about your bp. Mine was higher when I was going through all the on/off periods but has settled back down now so I am sure yours will be fine.

Nikki x

13-03-08, 10:09
I think in general having babies can change a womens cycle.

After I had my son I had really bad ovulation pains, had never suffered with them before (My son is 9 now) and after having my daughter the Ovulation pains stopped but I sometimes get mid cycle bleeding (Daughter is 3½) I don't tend to worry about it because I don't get it all the time.

I would try to stay positive and keep an eye on it, if it happens regularly and you are still worried then mention your fears about cancer to the Dr, if it only happens occassionally try not toworry, a lot of women have an Ovulation bleed or just mid cycle spotting.
