View Full Version : panic attack help?

12-03-08, 19:40
Hello , Im New here so im really not sure what to put.....

Im Sophie and im almost 20, and i have currently been suffering with panic attacks.
For whatever reason i don't know, it all of a sudden come on.I am not the kind of person who just sits at home, i love going out and im a very loud person, but these panic attacks are making my life very difficult , bearing in mind i have only had two, i have bad spells, which i manage eventually to calm myself down. I am currently undertaking CBT which is helping me a little.
I feel very agorophobic and feel sick and dizzy ALL THE TIME and i don't think this is right, im only young and yet i feel so old.

I suppose im just here to talk to people with similar problems, just someone i can talk to who knows how i feel and how to overcome this.
I just feel as if i cant go out. Sadhttp://www.anxiety-panic-attacks-phobias.co.uk/images/smilies/frown.gif

Thanks for listening.
http://www.anxiety-panic-attacks-phobias.co.uk/images/steelblue/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.anxiety-panic-attacks-phobias.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=9937)

12-03-08, 21:04
Hi Sophie,

Welcome to the Forum!!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Congratulations on taking positive steps to address your health issues.
You WILL get better.
Believe in yourself.
Best wishes,

13-03-08, 02:38
Hello Sophie,

Ask yourself a question - what "exactly" are you "thinking" that's making you feel so ill and preventing you from going out?

For instance, are you afraid of something happening to you because of the panic feelings, are you afraid that you're "ill" etc?

Then ask yourself a second question - what was going on in your life when these feelings started when you had your first attack that made you retreat indoors?

When you uncover the causes, you can deal with them and I'm sure that's what your CBT therapist is helping you with.:hugs:

14-03-08, 12:54
Hi Sophie.
I'm 23 and I feel exactly the same way as you (although I've let this go on for too long). All I want to do is go out and have fun (& remake friends - I haven't seen some of them for so long, they've probably forgotten me!), but I just can't seem to do it.

CBT is very helpful. I had that last time I was bad, but this time round i'm just trying to find something to help me while I figure out the reason behind all this!!! - which will hopefully mean that i'll be properly better (as opposed to temporarily!)

Anyway, hope you're ok.

