View Full Version : Bag of nerves.

12-03-08, 20:12
I am a complete bag of nerves tonight.:scared10:
Tomorrow i have to go for a medical for a claim for incapacity benefit.
I have already cancelled one appiontment, and can't cancel this one tomorrow as they only allow one cancelation.

Has anyone been for this type of medical,and what can i expect?

Liz xxx.

12-03-08, 20:19
Hi Liz,

I have been to such appointments in the past.
The Doctors tend to be quite subdued and focused on form filling-this can be misconstrued as un-sympathetic but remember he/she is just doing their job.
Focus on why you are there.Do not let them push you too hard physically-if something hurts,tell them straight away.
If necessary,tell them about your anxiety problems and this will hopefully allow them to treat you with respect and understanding.
It usually isn't a long procedure but they won't tell you any results.
Hope it goes well.
Will be thinking of you.
Best wishes,

12-03-08, 20:27
Thanks for the reply chalky.
To be honest its the thought of being there and the doctor asking me loads and loads of questions that i can't handle.
The thought of being with a complete stranger makes me so nervous.
Will i have to strip off for him/her to examine me?

12-03-08, 21:49
Hi Liz,

I had this problem last year, I was in a very bad way at the time and my doctor wrote to them for me and said that I needed a home visit.

I didn't actually get a home visit but the letter from my doctor was enough for them to realise that I was not well and my claim was successful.
Maybe your doctor could call or write to them for you if you dont feel up to it?

I'm sure you will be fine, I know it's so scary the thoughts of having to face these things but you will be in the best hands and I'm sure they will put you at ease and make you feel comfortable. The anticipation of these appointments is often worse than the actual doing.

Because I haven'y actually had the medical I can't say what is involved exactly, it will probably be lots of questions. I very much doubt you will have to undress, unless you have a physical problem they might want to examine.

Good Luck!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


13-03-08, 08:29
Thanks HazyMind for the reply.

Well i am feeling really anxious this morning,and apart from that i have my granddaughter to look after this morning for 3hrs,so hopefully this will help take my mind off things for a while.

Wish me luck, and i will let you know how i got on.

Liz xxxx.

13-03-08, 13:45
Hi Liz,

Hope all goes/went well for you today!! Hope your grand daughter helped distract you too, kids are a good distraction, well as long as they dont use up all your energy too :winks: :D

You will be fine, after the appt today treat yourself for the acheivement you have made!! Best of luck!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


13-03-08, 17:32
Well just an update on todays event.

Granddaughter played me up, so that didn't help my stress or anxiety.:mad:
Got myself in a right state, and started taking things out on the hubby,even though he did nothing wrong.

I was late arriving so that made matters worse.
Got to the waiting room,and i couldn't even go through the door:scared10:to many people sitting in there,so stood in the corridor.

A lady came to bring me a form to fill in, i couldn't even fill that in as my anxiety had well got hold of me.
She then put me in an other room while waiting to see the doctor.

By now i was giving my hubby loads of grief and just wanted to go home.
Doctor finally came for me:scared10:and took me to another room.
He started asking questions about my mental health and that was it, i just broke down and cried and cried and cried.:weep:

After a short while i had calmed down, the doctor let me go home as he could see that i was in a bad way,and said he did not want to stress me any more by asking me questions.

I was so glad to get back to the car and go home.
Have no idea what the out come of the medical will be,i am just glad its all over.

By the way i did apoligize to the hubby:hugs:

13-03-08, 18:26
Well done for going redrose. I'm sure the doctor was able to see how this illness is affecting you. Poor hubbies they certainly go through it don't they. Hope all goes well for you with your claim.

13-03-08, 18:37
Well done Liz!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Sorry to hear that you had a bad time of it all today but big well done for facing it all, thats really brave of you!

In a way it's good that the doctor saw you in a bad way if you know what I mean, at least he should take it seriously, and it's nice that they put you in a different room when you were feeling bad, I've stood in many corridors to wait for appointments! :scared15: I know how scary it must have been for you but you should be really proud of yourself today!
I know how difficult it is but the more you can face and see the things that make you anxious through the more your confidence will build up and up again and it will get easier over time!

Make sure you relax tonight and treat yourself (and maybe hubby for sticking with you through it:winks: )

My nerves are shot to pieces today, Ive had to sit in waiting rooms as my son had a hospital appointment and my daughter is ill so had to take her to the docs, a few months ago I couldn't have faced all that but the more I have faced things (very gradually) the easier it is becoming, although I do still struggle! :unsure:

Hope your claim is all successful too!!

Take Care xx :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

13-03-08, 18:54
Thanks sheba2 and HazyMind for the kind words.

In a way i am proud of myself now for going today,were normaly i would just cancel or just not turn up.
Even though it was very traumatic for me , BUT YES I DID IT :yahoo:

Got another hurdle to face on tuesday:scared10:
Going for my pre op assesment,so i hope i can handle this one better than todays event.
Got to think positive now.


Hope 2
14-03-08, 15:46
Hi Liz :D

Big pat on the back for you , well done chuck .

I got sent home when I went for the same thing cos I was freaking out just being there too . I have been asked to go for another very soon so am a not a happy bunny lol .

Anyway just wanted to say good for you and it has made me feel easier about going , so thanks .

By the way give me a shout if you want to chat re: yr pre-op assess cos I have had quite a few dealings with those when I was working .

Try to not worry too much re yr next challenge cos you have done so very well so far :yesyes:
You can do it xx

Best Wishes
Hope xx

14-03-08, 18:59
Hi Liz,

Yes you should be really proud of yourself!! You done so well to go yesterday!! :D :yesyes:

I do hope you managed to treat yourself for the acheivement you made!:D

So you have another hurdle to face on tuesday, you must feel like it's all happening at once. :hugs:

I had to go for a pre op a while ago and I remember how nervous I felt about going, I do find that when I have to face health related appointments I do feel a bit more reassured knowing that I will be in the right hands and most doctors and nurses will help to put you at ease as they know what you are going through.

Maybe over the weekend you can relax as best you can, do you have any relaxation you can listen to?
If not pm me and I can email you some if you want, I do find they help me so much and having that time out to relax is critical I think.
And also over the next few days if any negative thoughts come into your mind keep telling them to ^&%$£!*(&^%:)

You done so well yesterday and remember that you can do it again, try not to be frightened of how you feel (i know easier said than done) but remember that if you start to feel anxious it is normal in your situation and in time things will get easier!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Take care xxx

14-03-08, 19:05
well done for going i had to have mine aswell but the doctor has wrote to them so i could get a home vist still waiting for a reply.

have u tried apllying for disability living allowance as well i didnt know about that either untill my support worker told me i could they take into account panic attacks and what u can do on a day to day basis.

they dont do medicals but they ask for doctors notes.