View Full Version : Well I'm in my mom's bedroom sleepin like a lil kid.

12-03-08, 23:18
Well I'm in my mom's bedroom sleeping like a child due to thinking my brain power is diminishing, bad memory, and such. Was even too afraid to drink any more alcohol *I had two beers* but stopped myself. My OCD is so crazy, I just don't know how to fix it, plus going off my medications... my whole problem may not be just my alcoholism but it may be elsewise, pray it ain't my brain dying, or I of what I really think it is, all the medications effecting my brain and the L Tyrosene withdrawal. Comfort, anyone?

13-03-08, 17:12
Hi Paulos. It will do you good to rest and relax even if it means sleeping in yur moms room. I don't know much about alcoholism are the meds you are on for that or for your other probs. How long have you had a prob with alcohol. Are you having withdrawal symptoms from alcohol or from meds or both.

Your brain certainly isn't dying or else you wouldn't be able to post so well on here. Also I don't think you would be able to worry or do loads of things that you can do. Hope you feel better soon

13-03-08, 18:00
I've been on detox so it's not alcohol major withdrawal but I think I still have a lot of recovery ahead of me with booze, I had 2 beers yesterday but was so OCD about my brain I was too afraid to drink anymore. I binged for about 2.8 years and I was on a great campaign a few days ago for 27 days until I slipped and drank. I hope my brain isn't dying, it's just my OCD is so bad, and I wasn't this bad a year ago even when I WAS drinking... this is prior to before I was forced to be put on meds and go to a shrink by my main doctor, he was the one who gave me the altamadum to go to a shrink or get no more Xanax or help... so nearly one year later I'm even worse, with or without the booze.

13-03-08, 18:21
Are yu allowed? able to drink anything or are you supposed to keep clear of drink completely. Does it react with the meds yu are taking. Also did you have ocd before you became a heavy drinker or is it something that you have had since.

Other than medication what help do you get from the shrink. Do you have any other forms of therapy for the alcohol or the ocd. have you ever kept a diary of how you feel each day. I don't mean become totally absorbed in each little thing but more in a general sense. I think it may help to see whether certain foods or drinks trigger any of your symptoms. It is also useful to have this when you next visit your doctor so that you can discuss your progress or lack of it. It might help yu feel that you are doing something positive. You can make it as simple or interesting as you like and it will give you something to focus your mind on.

I bought myself a really nice journal to record my feelings both physical and mental in. I now record pictures poems and anything I feel like in it. When I go for counselling I usually take it with me. Every now and then I look back at what I have written. For a long time it was very negative and repetative but now I can see huge improvements. I also record all the little achievements I have made and that is great. Hope some of this helps. You take care.

13-03-08, 18:49
Of coursE I'm allowed but I'm not doing it anymore :) I'm sure it has had some reactions but the meds are making me worse while I've been on them when my sobriety should have been making me feel better. I have kept a journal of my feelings/activities for about... 2.3 years ish. I've talked to my shrink a bout my list and he just kept trying to shove medication to me, that's why the last time I said NO MORE MEDS I WANT OFF EM to see how I would be like, and that's what we're doing right now, Day 4 of weening off the meds majorly, and after Day 7 I'm off all meds except Xanax 3mg a day. I don't do therapy only with my mother but only time will tell... back on Day 1 of no booze, yesterday as I think I said I STOPPED myself from drinking, knowing it was not good for me so I've learned alright. I'll try my best but I know I'll be posting constantly around here -_-