View Full Version : Female in S.E Severely depressed

Miss Ellen
13-03-08, 05:22
i am a late-20's female.

I don't have a proper job because I finished Uni and sort of drifted for a few years. But I want to be a social worker. I am late-20's and haven't had a proper relationship for years. This week I have been totally on the edge. I've had no work (normally I have at least some), its not about money but having a purpose and direction. I've spent most of this week panicking about my empty life and I've felt close to ending it. I feel so hopeless and worthless.

I've been taking tons of over-the-counter sleeping pills to try and `sleep the time away', and tonight i took 4 times the reccommeded dose and they havent touched me. Its now after 5.am and I am having alcohol on top of the pills just to try and knock me out.

Anyway, its my time-of-the month at the moment, i hope that is partly a reason for this really bad patch.....

I've been down the anti-depressant routr, tried every one, but I cant take them again as they make me gain weight and i cant afford to gain weight it ruins my life.

pink daisy
13-03-08, 09:58
Hi Miss Ellen

Awww Hun welcome to no more panic.. Alot of us feel that way sometimes, so dont worry, It will be really good for you to get advice and make friends here that are in the same boat as you!

I am kate and i am 29 from somerset i suffer from agoraphobia and panic attacks, but hey i have felt alot better by coming to this site and getting friendly advice and making close friends from here that know what im feeling and can talk about it..

perhaps come into the the chat room and you can get to know some of us and we can have a chat xxx

glad you have found us hun


13-03-08, 10:45
Hi hun

Welcome to NMP. I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so down :hugs:

I have been in the same quandry about having a purpose and direction. I would like to work in mental health because I feel strongly that it is something that is misunderstood, and I want to do something that matters.

Are there any careers advisors in your area? Have you researched how you could get into social work?

I know its hard to motivate yourself when you feel so down, but I think just the mere act of keeping yourself busy with finding things out, will help lift you mood and also give you a sense that things are moving on for you.

Have you been to see a counsellor? Do you have anyone to talk to about how you feel hun?

Sending you some :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

13-03-08, 11:34
Hi Miss Ellen and
http://img.freecodesource.com/myspace-graphics/images/welcome%20graphics/animated/prod_440_19564.gif (http://www.freecodesource.com/myspace-graphics/getcode/welcome_graphics/animated/prod_440_19564.gif.html)
you will get loads of support here.

I totally understand how you are feeling right now.
You have come to the right place now though, you will get loads of support to help you through this ok.

Have a look around the site and pop into the chat room sometime.

I'm in Australia and lately keep missing everyone in chat as I log on as they go to bed.

So to everyone else, I'm still around, and I'll just have to get up earlier so I can get a good ol' natter and catch up with you all.

Welcome aboard Ellen
love Sarajane

13-03-08, 11:59
Hello Miss Ellen And Welcome.........i Wish Ya Well.........linda

13-03-08, 12:11

Welcome to NMP, you will get loads of advice and support here and make many friends along the way... Don't forget to visit the chatroom !! :hugs:

13-03-08, 17:54
Hello Ellen :welcome: to you!

You have a goal - and so therefore you have something to work towards and aim for. That's a good start, and you'll find plenty of help and support here.

As you've already tried meds and they haven't worked well for you, take a look at the Herbal Remedies forum - loads of good alternatives to commercial meds there.

Glad you joined us, you're not alone - pleased to meet you!


13-03-08, 19:31
Hi Ellen

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

13-03-08, 21:36
Hi Ellen and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

15-03-08, 13:29
Hi Ellen,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

15-03-08, 22:37
Welcome to the site!

16-03-08, 17:19
Hi Miss Ellen,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here feel exactly like you do and you will get support. If you can't sleep I suggest you go to a doctor. As you probably know it is very dangerous to take so many pills and then drink alcohol. Plus, alcohol is a depressant which will make you even more depressed. I'm sure your doctor will be able to help and perhaps therapy would be good too. We can help alot and like I said give support, you are not alone.



18-03-08, 19:23

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx