View Full Version : Hypnosis

13-03-08, 10:04
Had a session with a hypnotherapist yesterday. Very impressed and I have woken up today feeling better than I have done for weeks and weeks. The sense of relaxation when I came out of the appointment was fantastic.

Anyone else tried it?

13-03-08, 11:40
HI shaky

i tried it years ago and he gave me some good tips, to cope when having panic attack and i still use them to this day. only had one but thought it was well worth it, would like to have some more, but it so exspensive. but i well recommend it if you can.
its great your feeling better and hope it carrys on for you
take care

13-03-08, 11:40
Hi Shakygirl, glad you feel better maybe it would be a good idea to carry on with self hypnosis so you dont spend to much. I have tried self hypnosis lots of times in the past, ion fact I think I have tried everythinglol. I went once to an hypnopherapist as I needed to have eye surgery and kept canceling the surgery for years as I was so scared and anxiouse, At the time with me it didnt seem to work, but within a couple of months I did go and get the surgery, I dont know how I overcome the fear of going but did, so inside I think it was quite possable it was the hypnosis, even though sometimes we dont realise it. thanks and hope you keep feeling better, Vernon

13-03-08, 12:09
Hi Shakygirl,

I have my first session with a Hypnotherapist next Wednesday. Im glad it went well for you. I have been debating whether to cancel or not but after your post i think i will definitely go ahead.
