View Full Version : Hospital

13-03-08, 13:37
Going in 20 mins and i feel sick , ......
dont know why im writing this , just need to do something :wacko: .

The waiting is difficult :lac: .

13-03-08, 13:55
Good luck mirry, please let us know how you get on.


13-03-08, 13:56
Good luck


13-03-08, 14:01
Let Us know as soon as you can how you got on

Love Joy

13-03-08, 14:32
Good Luck


13-03-08, 16:09
Be kind to yourself

13-03-08, 16:59
I went and did it !!!!!!!!!!

They said my eyes jumping to noise is either a fistula or scd, they got me on a machine where i had to watch moving objects whislt walking and I had a proper vertigo attack which they caught happening and my eyes went all funny and bounced severly which they recorded. I dont know who was more suprised , them or me ,lol.
We are getting there now cos they said it tells them alot, yippeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!
Just awaiting scans ect.
thanks for listening ,

13-03-08, 18:38
Big hugs for going and so pleased that they found a reason for the problem. Hope that this helps yu loads I'm sure it will. Great news

13-03-08, 18:54
Yey ! Well Done Mirry !
I know its a bit crap congratulating you on an attack of vertigo and further scans (!) but peace of mind at last. Great ! We were all rooting for you.
be kind to yourself

13-03-08, 18:56
Well done for going Mirry :hugs: I hope they find an answer soon.

Karen xx

13-03-08, 19:12
well thats something anyway. it was good you had an attack while you were there, it would have been sods law if you hadnt.
hopefully they can now find out whats causing it

love joy

13-03-08, 20:11
Glad they are starting to get to the bottom of it.

13-03-08, 20:20
Well done for having such courage,
Have they said what they think it might be yet ?
My daughter is an MRI and some test next week because of deafness and severe tinitus in one ear.

13-03-08, 20:28
Hi decca , its all pointing to a hole in the bone in my inner ear.

I hope your daughter gets some answers soon , the tinnitus can be very severe , do they think she may have meniers ? cos that can cause deafness and tinnitus :shrug: .

wishing you all the best and thanks everyone for your kind lovely words .
Bless you all xxx.

13-03-08, 20:39
Oh right , hope they get you better soon. any idea how they will treat it ?.
She's had a bit of a job getting referred for tests,but at least she's seen the consultant and had some audio tests, next is the scan then back to the consultant. She's managing to keep working but says it's very distracting an nauseating. No one has indicated what it might be.
She's so laid back about it ( doesn't get that from me,lol ) I think I'm more worried about it thab she is.

13-03-08, 21:32
oh Decca , yeah im the same , worry myself sick ,lol.
I am going away for the weekend to have a break but will still worry ....

13-03-08, 21:42

Love Piglet:flowers: