13-03-08, 15:28
I am not at all anxious today but in the last few hours I feel weird - lightheaded and weak and spaced out like being drunk - weird - also my heartbeat is so slow- is this desensitisation? Wenjoy x

13-03-08, 15:51
:) hi, how do you mean desensitisation? - do you mean coz your anxiety has gone down? dizziness and tingling is a symptom of hyperventilation, but could also be you need to eat some carbohydrate - cereal, brown bread etc. i dont think its anything to worry about, just another bodily sensation:winks:

13-03-08, 17:06
Hi - I have eaten lunch and feel much better - I think it may be hyperglycemia - so maybe the low GI diet might be an idea for me as I seem to need to eat every 3 hours or so!!! Thanks Wenjoy x

13-03-08, 18:03
:) hi wenjoy, thats why i replies because i suffer terribly with it especially in my pre-mentrual phase - i can feel like death until i eat something in the morning, and then every few hours i notice i start to feel rubbish again. so yes i would say the low gi diet is worth a try. one of my probs is i wont drink tea without sugar - i drink roughly 4 cups a day, and there is no way i would give it up because of anxiety - but its the sugar that was causing me a problem, so i switched to honey which i also love, but i saw in the gi scale its almost as high as sugar anyway, so i switched to something calle dfruit sugar which is much lower. i do struggle to stick to the carbs every few hours, but i think it definately helps - and for me first thing in the morning is the worst time - well up till about 11am really, good luck with it, emma:winks:

14-03-08, 11:39
Thabnkyou Emma

Will try to eat something every few hours!
Wenjoy x

27-03-08, 21:44
Hi Wenjoy
there is something called depersonalisation - its like you dont really feel like your here - like its someone else looking in Iget that and its scary -