View Full Version : hyperventilating?

13-03-08, 17:29
Hi everyone,

Well I survived my flight to Paris with work this week, I was pettrified (flying in the storms on Monday wasnt fab either) however I was more worried about the claustraphobia, I took a diazepam and although I managed the flight it was a total struggle.

However this time I noticed a tingly feeling over my face and sometimes my hands, I thought at first it might have been going from the warm airport (and warm with the panic) out in the cold wind to the plane however it happened both ways and even my nose felt funny......does anyone know if this is hyperventilating?? I wasnt aware I was overbreathing. It lasted for most of the flight.

Any advice would be fab...........

Shaz x

13-03-08, 18:15
Hey Shaz

Firstly, a massive well done to you for gutting it out and getting on the flight :yesyes:

Secondly, the tingly face sounds like classic hyperventilating. Normally with me it starts in my hands but if it gets really bad it gets to my face. Its nothing to be worried about and completely normal when hyperventilating-it just means you are taking in too much oxygen and need to get some carbon dioxide in (hence the paper bag theory-which really does work btw lol)

I reallly wouldnt worry about it hun, you survived the flight, albeit against your will but you did it and you should be extremely proud of yourself

Much love

Lou xxx

13-03-08, 18:59
Hello Shaz !
Yep ! same thing happens to me when I'm travelling. Classic hyperventilation symptoms - tip I learrned to get the oxygen/carbon doixide levels back on track is to breathe out and empty your lungs, hold your breath comfortably (so you don't go blue in the face !) and then begin breathing again gently and normally.
Well done you for taking the flight - Magnifique !!
be kind to yourself

13-03-08, 22:37
Hi Hun,

I have had this too, its not very nice and can be quite scary, but you must try and stay calm, learn how to bring your breathing back on track. There are threads on her on how to breath.

Over breathing causes a reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. This may lead to numbness and tingling around the mouth and/or muscle spasm in the hands and feet.

When it happened to me, I was not awhere that I was over breathing, but I must have been, as soon as I corrected my breathing, this helped sooo much.

You did great taking the flight hun, be proud of yourself WELL DONE.



14-03-08, 15:24
Hperventilation syndrome by Dinah Bradley - it's a great simple easy read book and will help you learn better breathing techniques!!

Piglet :flowers:

14-03-08, 22:07
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the replies, you have really helped me understand it, it good to know Im not alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I will try the book.


Shaz x