View Full Version : Gross I know but hey....

14-03-08, 04:14
Ok, so around two years ago I had a large lump appear in between my bottom cheeks in around my anus. It was only there for a couple of days and wasn't sure what it was. One day while at work I felt all of this fluid between my legs and when I went to the bathroom there was pus and yuk liquid which had come out of this thing.

Ever since then it has kept on filling up with pus every now and then and then getting really painful and then bursting - not sure what this is.

It would be the size of a five cent piece (smallish) with a skin over the top. I keep having my hubby check it and he says that it has gotten smaller. Lately though it has been filling up and then exploding of late. It is just in such a difficult position to heal.

I have been too embarrased to go to the Drs because of where it is positioned and because it hasn't really casued me alot of bother but my biggest worry is that it is going to become infected and go into my blood stream. Sorry my worry about it is infection.

At the moment it has swollen and filled with yuk liquid and I am now just waiting for it to burst so the pain goes away.

Has anyone ever had anything like this or does anyone know what it is?

Ps - sorry to gross you out!:scared10:

14-03-08, 05:43
sounds like a boil to me. Opposite to a large pimple. You can't squeeze a boil they have to be lanced by someone that knows how to to it. Once you get the core out you wont get any more, but if you squeeze it the core will go in and you will get more of them. I had one as a kid, very painful. Go to the local health nurse and - in no time you will be sitting down as pretty as ever. SJ

14-03-08, 08:55
You do need to get this seen to, grit your teeth, but not your buttocks and get along to the doc, find a woman if showing all to man is not on. You will be sorted out in no time and never have any more trouble.

14-03-08, 10:28
:ohmy: okay this is a bit gross and yukky i agree, but i had an abcess in the exact same place some 15 years ago and i still get very sore in that place - it can get aggravated cant it from wiping?:blush:

anyway the fact it keeps filling up and youve had it a while would suggest you need to go get it looked at - my abcess needed to be lanced because it wouldnt burst on its own, but the fact yours keeps filling up - if it is an abcess or boil - means you need to go see your doc? it will be fine, take care, emma:yesyes:

14-03-08, 13:14
Hi Hun,

it sounds to me like an abscess (cant spell!) and with its awkward positioning it will prob not heal unless you get it removed.

I know you are embaressed about getting it seen to but its really gotta be done.

CAssi xxxxxxx

15-03-08, 09:16

I was exactly the same when I was 19. I think yours could just be a absess, When I went to the docs they said it was an ingrowing hair, not sure what the medical name for it is. It did exactly the same as yours. It would get sore and itchy and then would start discharging. I left it for a few years then needed a op to cut out the bad tissue and have the cavity it had created packed with gauze until it got smaller. I have found a article on it to stop you googling. It is on www.netdoctor.co.uk...

I'm looking for information about in-growing hairs on the base of the spine.

How problematic can they be? What are the causes? What's the worst case for the problem?

I find it very difficult to sit down and work and I have a friend who had one several years ago and needed a massive operation to get it removed - I don't want to go down the same path. Are there any other solutions to the problem?


The presence of hairs at the base of your spine is not a cause for concern. But a few patients may develop a pilonidal sinus, in which an abscess forms in the subcutaneous tissue at the base of the spine, often leaking pus through a pinhole opening in the skin.

While antibiotics may control the infection, they unfortunately cannot cure the abscess. The pilonidal sinus follows a variable course of activity, slowly draining pus. This is probably the operation to which you refer.

Surgery is the only way to eradicate the problem. The roof of overlying tissue is removed so that healing can occur from the base of the abscess. The subsequent healing and necessary repeat dressings can be a slow process. Although prolonged, it is an effective solution to the problem.

Hope this Helps


15-03-08, 13:00
Hi Lizzie,

The ONLY way to put your mind at rest is to visit your Doctor and have this treated.Bit embarrassing possibly,but take your hubby along for support.
Think of the weight off your mind when this is sorted.
Best wishes,

16-03-08, 22:35
Ouch this sounds so sore. I'm sure getting it seen to wont be as bad as the pain and unpleasantness that living with it is. My friends husband had this and he was in agony. Go and get it sorted you will feel so much better.