View Full Version : I'm back

14-03-08, 09:07
Well i've never posted for a while but have been going through a bad patch.
As some of you will know ive come off my anti d's for a while and have been great for ages. But i have had recurring back problems on and off . Anyway to cut a long story short last tuesday was in really bad pain with my lower back, pain down left side of my leg right into my ankle. Sitting and standing is a nightmare just now. Seen the physio and she thinks it could be my disc.
But some where in the back of my mind im thinking could it be a tumour or cancer pressing on the disc, i went on nhs 24 and those options came up:shrug: i'm seeing the doctor this morning but i am freaking out in case i have to go for xray and they find something that shouldn't be there.
Anyway i thought id come on and have a rant as this site has helped me so much in the past, and im feeling as if control is slipping away from me once more.


14-03-08, 11:06
It sounds like the disc, my husband gets so much pain with his it causes sciatica, hence the pain down the leg he also gets pins and needles in his hands and feet.
You are doing the right thing in going to the doctor at least they can hopefully put your mind at rest that it not anything too serious and give you something to help ease the pain.
We all think the worse when we are not feeling well.
Hope all goes well at the docs

14-03-08, 13:19
Hi Shirley :hugs: how did it go at the docs hun? Let us know how it went and remember rant all you want thats what we're here for :hugs: xxxx

14-03-08, 13:41
thanks mandy & helen,

went to the docs but it wasn't my own one and i didn't really like him that much, he thinks its the disc but ive to give it 6 wks and if it gets worse or not any better ive to go back, still got the niggly thought in my mind though its a tumour or cancer from another part of my body having spread to my lower back. Anyways i've ended up with a prescription for diclofenac and co codamal ( which i cant take as it makes my tummy crazy , told him this and he says he has given me a lower dose, but what he didn't understand was the lower dose codamol doesn't cut through the pain).
I've been off work this week as ive not been able to move but im back on monday so im hoping i can gt through the day.
Helen has your hubby had any treatment for it and does it help?as its the leg pain that's killing me. I'm determined not to get to freaked just now and try to keep a lid on my feelings but i'll defo be on here trying to do that as talking to other folks helps.

thanks xx

14-03-08, 13:59
Basically hubby is just having to put up with it, he was having physio when it first started but when they discovered what was causing it they cancelled his sessions as they said physio would not help.
He does get times when it is better but he has to be careful lifting etc as it can start it off.
He has been told if it gets too bad he can have an operation to fuse the discs(or something like that) which means he wont be able to bend his back but it should help the pain etc.
At the moment touch wood he is going through a good patch, but you never know when it will flare up again.
I think you just need to keep going back if it is causing you distress there are things that can be done.
All the best