View Full Version : Job situation

14-03-08, 10:24
Hi all

Well today my Manager spoke to me about what is happening in my job.

Brief backtrack to yesterday - I got a few longwinded emails about stuff they wanted me to do and I suddenly learnt that I would be doing the admin for another Manager and his team. No one bothered tell me this!

I have felt like things are just dumped on me. I now work for 3 Managers and I just feel like I am taken for a mug. It doesnt help that I am pants at speaking to people if I am not happy about something :lac:

Anyway, so this morning my "main" Manager spoke to me. They are looking to recruit internally. As I am a temp, I am not classed as internal so I will not be given the option to apply.

If they find a good candidate then they will employ them. If not, then they will ask me to stay on, but on a temp basis. I don't want to keep doing this temporarily because:-

1. Getting paid weekly is mucking up my bank balance as I have a big loan payment come out at the end of the month, plus most of my other bills.
2. I want to feel secure in a job and get all the benefits that permanent employees get.

I dont enjoy my work here and as you've seen from previous posts, I have been looking elsewhere. But now a deadline has been set for end of April its a bit scary, whereas before I was looking for a job kind of thinking I would still have one here if nothing came up. And I know its not certain whether they will find someone internally but I need to pick up the pace in terms of looking for jobs just in case I have to leave.

I'm just worried I wont find anything. I'm kicking myself a bit now that I didnt get that college job because it was well paid and most of the other jobs I have seen pay peanuts and I could afford to live on it.

I am worried that I wont find anything and then at the end of April I will be forced to take a job that I dont enjoy, and the money is rubbish, which will be so demoralising :wacko:

I know we have to take jobs sometimes to earn money to live. I appreciate that. I've just been in a demoralising job for the last year and I dont really want to go into another one. Plus, if I am hardly earning enough to pay my bills then I wont have any money to go out and socialise, which will get me down further. I dont want to rely on my b/f for money - I know he would support me but its not fair.

I am getting WAY ahead of myself. I know I need to calm down, I just feel like I've been treated a bit cr*p here and now the pressure is on to find something else :huh:

Jo xxxxx

14-03-08, 16:28
You needed to get that off you chest so it's good you've told us about it.
I can really relate to how you're feeling Jo. I won't bore you with the full details but I too have to find a job. I'm currently employed and they have at last agreed to put me back on full pay whilst I use up my holidays. Come the 1st April they've given me 3 months to find a job or I'll be out. They're constantly sending me emails and phoning me about various 'odd' jobs departments want done. This morning I was asked would I forfeit my paid holidays to start straight away if a manager wanted me. I said only if they'd let me carry the unused hols over to next year.

It's very stressful isn't it? I feel I can't make any plans or go to stay with friends in case I miss a call. That would just give them more reasons to make out I wasn't trying hard enough to find a job.

All you can hope is that no internal candidates are good enough and they have to advertise externally - then you'll be able to apply. Are you also looking around elsewhere for jobs?

I wish you well in your search and you know where we are if you need to talk.
