View Full Version : Tired, emotional and worn out ...

14-03-08, 11:31
Hi everyone,

After 2 weeks of giving up I had a few ciggies the last few days, I know it is a bad excuse but I feel I needed to chill and a ciggie always made me feel better even though I know it is making me worse! In addition to this I have been binge eating and picking more.

The doc said I had to stop smoking and eat healthier and get more exercise to reduce my blood pressure. I started off very well but I know why I am acting like this, I am moving house in 2 weeks as landlord wants to sell the place so I have had to organise this, work full time, contact everyone, start packing up, sort a million things and I feel under the weather.

I am sitting at my desk at work I feel that I am anxious although not having a panic attack and I am really lethargic like I cannot be bothered to work and really sweaty like I have a temperature. I think I do have a cold but I guess anxiety brings the symptoms on as well? I feel generally OK and I have my appetite but I just feel run down and like I do not have enough time to sort things out as I have a million and one things to do.

I guess I just feel a bit low at the moment.

Mat x

14-03-08, 16:37
Giving up smoking is really hard, especially if you've got so much other stuff to deal with. You've done really well quitting for those 2 weeks all things considered.

Yeah anxiety can make you feel like you're coming down with a cold, and smoking after a break from it can also make you feel crappy.

Are you going to have another go once you've moved house?

I've just managed 6 months of no smoking, which is my longest attempt yet, and I found Champix really helpful for getting past those first few weeks. Gentle exercise, such as a 30 minute walk in the fresh air daily, is also great for stress and anxiety.