View Full Version : supermarkets

14-03-08, 14:29
would like to ask anyone who suffers with panic attacks and that how they manage to go to a supermarket and what happens to them.

i used to go up untill 3 weeks ago now i do my shopping online at asda.

couldnt do it anymore went in and it was werid feelings i got its like i cant see good i get shaky i used to race round asda and forget half my shopping then i would get to the quea and that would be the worst part i would get really aggitated then i would get a dizzy feeling over me as if i was going to pass out and of course that would start a attack i just wanted to run but u cant as i have to pay for the food.

how does anyone else cope and do yous get the same symtons.

also would like some advice on how to stop it.

14-03-08, 15:00
I only ever get a basket full at a time, it meens more trips, but they do get easier. Baby steps seem to help!

14-03-08, 15:22
I know just how you feel taylor.
Have had lots of panic attacks in the supermarket.
I can still only go to the supermarket with my hubby.
If he walks off down a different isle i just go into a state of panic, i would go looking for him and then panic even more.:scared10:

Also i know what you mean when you get to the checkout,i feel like everyone is looking at me and can't wait to get out.

So i avoid going as much as possible.

Take care.
Liz xxxx.

Hope 2
14-03-08, 15:32
Hi Taylor :D

Think this is a common one ! Probably cos it's somewhere we kind of have to go and it's full of people and stress .

I never used to have a problem with good old asda and the like , but since having ocd and anxiety I have hated going shopping . At the begining , exposure as part of cbt got me back in these places , very gradually . Just to the door etc at first . So for the past few yrs it hasn't been a major anxiety issue , but I still get nervous , but cope when I actually get there .

I can so relate as many others will the feelings that get a hold of you whilst in the place . I just wanted to leg it from the moment I set foot inside . The way I coped with it was to kinda shut off from all the triggers . Sort of force myself to take my mind elsewhere and adopt this almost dream like state , this made me forget things but was worth it ! I still do this to an extent , switch off , and I must look like a zombie but it works for me . I also get angry at how I am feeling too and this makes me try and stand up to it more , which then I feel I have achieved something .
Maybe try going a few times when it is a bit quieter . I would prob do the on line thing but I hate answering the bloomin door lol .

Have a bash at going again.........just go for a treat item initially.....just an idea .
Think it may get harder if u continue to avoid , I know that it did for me .

Take Care
Hope xx

14-03-08, 16:27
:) hi taylor, well im the opposite to you at the moment in that ive now pretty much conquered my fear - which has always been panicking at the till! so ive always been able to go, but only with my husband, but i hated that situation, so i worked on it slowly like clive says - baby steps work, because we ge ta sense of acheivement - and success breeds success.

could you go early or late when it wont be as busy? could you do what clive says and start with a basket full - usually about 2 bags worth so it wont take forever, can you take cash instead of a card. but lastly the only way really to overcome it is to do it, which i know is little comfort to you. but i avoided this for over 8 years and ive at last beaten it but only because i wa sprepared to panic! and sometimes i do, but i always survive in one piece:yesyes: you could read signs and stuff, or look at people and count colours ocoats or something daft like that, do deep breathing, or have your ipod on low so you can listen to your fav music? i dont know if any of these will work for you ,but dont give up and allow yourself to be beaten like i was, i can guarantee you will regret it. take care emma:hugs:

14-03-08, 16:54
ive tried the basket full and going to asda at 9am still doesnt help the thing is only been like this for a few months wasnt always like this. i tried to push myself and go but i think that made me worse.

cant send my parnter cause he wouldnt have a clue what to buy and the things i like.

even ran out of morrisons leaving my 12 year old standing untill i could compose myself to go back in.

now im avoding going into them which i know doesnt help.

14-03-08, 17:02
Hi - Ive had the same prob for years now. i now go when its empty ie 8am int he morning and only get a basketful and if theres a queue then I walk round and round until I can dart through a check out quickly - I get so hot and dizzy and panic breathe - cbt didnt work for me but wearing an mp3 to listen to music helps as does stop worrying about how hot it is and distract myself. Wenjoy xxx

14-03-08, 18:03
Hi Taylor

I know those feelings all to well. I have spent the last five years trying to overcome the shops and fighting my way through panic attacks in the supermarkets, even got to the stage like you where I felt so ill I used to send my husband to do the shopping.

I decided enough was enough and I really wanted to do my own shopping so I started off with small steps just popping in and maybe buying one or two items, sometimes I would buy nothing I just walked around and came out. Take a step back when you feel yourself panicking and just slow yourself down, not easy but with a little work you will get results. I have practised that way many times and now I am able to get my own shopping and queue up and pay for it myself, I still get anxious but am now able to keep it in proportion whilst I shop.

I agree with Emmas don't stop going, like Emmas I started avoiding and this made it much worse and it has taken me nearly three years to find the courage to tackle the shopping again. It isn't easy to see the panic through but keep trying and it does get easier. Take your partner with you for support and go at the quiet times.

Wishing you all the best


tayside lassie
14-03-08, 18:21
hiya Taylor ,that's happened to me too i think its been the worst experience of my life twice it happened and at the asda .like that i did not go back ,at the time i was seeing a counselor and she said its the worst thing you can do (is avoid ) i did go back 4 weeks later how i dont know but idid it gets easier every time you do it .

if you keep avoiding places that panic happens in Taylor you limit yourself on where you can go (no where ) i know been there and got the t-shirt .please keep trying and dont give up you will get there in the end .

good luck:hugs:


14-03-08, 18:25
:yesyes: i forgot to mention what carol has said about just being comfortable in supermarkets, by going in for single or a couple of items - it builds confidence, and also frustration:mad: so you may pushyourself harder? the thing is you did feel worse taylor because of the dialogue that was going on in your head - eg oh no im going to faint - oh no im going to make a fool of myself - oh no im going to shake so bad i wont be able to function - oh no i cant think straight or concentrate, im going to die in here, i have to get out to the freash air and get away!!!!!??????????? does this sound familiar guys?

so we are now saying that the getting away from the supermarket actually doesnt stop your fear of it does it? coz if it did youd just go back there next time and be fine - you have a habit!!! thats all - everytime you associate the syupermarket you convince yourself that you are going to feel terrible and you cant cope - you can but you have to start by tackling what has become a major fear -remember there is nothing to fear in the supermarket, only your panic reaction! so now you have to re-train your brain to not see the supermarket as a threat, avoiding it will not work!!! go with your husband to do big shops - make sure he can pay but start to allow yourself to part from him and then find him again - remember he isnt going to go anywhere you just might have to wander around for a bit - next step it up,to you paying but with hubby there, then maybe let hubby go back to wauit in the car, also all the time you are doing this go for little top up shops for a few things - to ge tyou familiar with q ing and actually keep the connection to the shops - this is a major prob for agoraphobics whether you are housbound or not, so you arent alone - keep in touch with us all and we will try top help you through - but dont give up!!:yesyes: you will be so glad you didnt - remember you have to let yourself feel what you dont wan to, but you have to change what you say to yourself - you have to suppor tyourself instead of frightenening yourself, if you wan tanymore help just ask? take care emma

14-03-08, 18:27
Hi Taylor,

You obviously have not cornered the market on supermarket fear. What it all boils down to is the fact that you have made a commitment to something that you need and cannot escape. Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and other related disorders all root to a fear on inability to escape. This fear triggers the fight or flight response which causes your body to release adrenaline (epinephrine). In turn, heart rate increases, sweating may develop, flushed face and palpatations may occur. Keep this in mind - there has never been a documented case of death by anxiety although it is truly terrifying and feelings of doom predominate. If you think about it, these same reactions occur when you exercise and it doesn't kill you. If your anxiety becomes debilitating to the point where you have problems with everyday activities, I would advise a visit to your physician for a prescription of an SSRI (Zoloft) and a temporary prescription of a Benzodiazepine (Alprazolam) for the acute anxiety. I too have suffered your same symptoms. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! Best o luck overcoming this menacing disorder.

Best regards-

Doc J

14-03-08, 18:53
tks for ur replys and im going to start of doing it slowly and buliding it up u are right cant keep running away.

i am waiting for a cbn to come out and c me tried conucelling but only worked for a while then i went back down again.

feel like i have no life

14-03-08, 19:18
Hi :)

I'm not keen on supermarkets myself but I write my shopping list out in the order that the aisles are arranged so I can go straight to whatever I need and get out!!

I've learnt to try and take it slowly as well because the more I try and rush around, the more anxious I get.

Jo xxxxx