View Full Version : What is this ?

14-03-08, 15:06
Hi there,

I was wondering if anybody here knew what happens to my little boy during the night, as it's worrying me.

He sits up in his sleep and moves around on his bed, with his eyes open, shaking (kind of like a partial fit), babbling and half crying. His teeth chatter and he appears freezing cold.

This has been happening for awhile now, and I've always put it down to night terrors. It usually lasts for about 5mins, but last night it lasted for 10 minutes and it really started to scare both me and my partner. It's horrible to see him go through this, as he appears so distraught.

We talk to him, and try and calm him down, without trying to wake him and say that everything is ok, and that he is dreaming and needs to lie back down. He does this, but then shoots bolt upright and starts again. After awhile, he relax's and lies down.

The next morning I ask him if he knows anything about it, but he doesn't remember a thing.

He is eight years old. Are these night terrors ?

14-03-08, 15:20
Wow Katie, that would be scary for you to see him do this and not know what to do.

I'm as stumped as you and your partner are about what it could be.

I hope someone has an answer for you, I'd like to know what could be causing this as well.

He seems fine in the mornings though, so its a new one for me also.
Sorry I can't help, I didn't want to come and read your post and just leave though so lets hope someone knows what this is.
Love SJ

14-03-08, 15:25
Hi Katie, :hugs:

Sorry to hear about you son. I know how hard it is to see your child go through something like this, its heart breaking, my thoughts are with you.

Hun, it does sound like night terrors to me. I have seen progammes on this. Please, if you are concerned ask advice. You can phon NHS dircet or go to your gp.

Some children go through a time when they have night terrors and it goes after time.

How is he during the day?

It is only natral for you to be concerned, but if its been going on for awhile, please get some advice. Peace of mind goes along way, you are doing all the right things.



14-03-08, 22:47
It does sound alot like nigh terrors.
If they happen at about the same time every night, I have heard that it can help if you go in to the child and wake/disturb them before the time it normally happens as this can break the sleep cycle that is causing the terrors.

good luck

14-03-08, 22:55
hiya katie

my little girl dose the same thing hun most nights she will sit up in her bed and start talking to is like she is awake but she is not ,she somtimes cry,s she has even got up out of bed and walked about whitch i hate cos i am scared she dose it and i am asleep and carnt hear her ,we have seen the doc about and he sead she might grow out of it in time (fingers crossed).
in the mean time we just get on with things it is upsetting but not much we can do about it .
jodie xxx

16-03-08, 23:23
Hi Katie, :)

How are things hun?

Thinking of you and your son :hugs:


17-03-08, 03:25
I'm not sure I know much on night terrors except that I can remember when I was his age, I did have bad nightmares, often associated to tv programmes or films.

When we're older, we normally have nightmares due to things going on in our lives.

Since he can't remember these night terrors, my suggestion would be to ask him if he's happy at school, how is he getting on with his friends and if there's anything worrying him.

19-03-08, 21:00
It does sound like your son is having night terrors. Both my sons suffered with these, especially my younger son. He used to wake up in the night and sit up, start screaming, crying and babbling nonsense. It was very frightening to watch but I just tried to reassure him and lie him back down in his bed until he went back to sleep. He never remembered anything the next day.