View Full Version : Painful lump in armpit

14-03-08, 15:13
Hi all,
something for me to worry about all over the weekend!
My husband was giving me a back rub this afternoon and I winced when he touched a particular spot because it was really tender and he said, 'There's a lump there.'
It's about the size of a pea and is situated on the edge of my armpit, just where it starts to become my back, right in the crease between arm and shoulder, if that makes sense?
I'm determined not to Google it, so in the meantime, any ideas?
(btw, I am 42, female, don't smoke and have no history of cancer in my family)

14-03-08, 15:43
Hi Cankat :hugs:

It sounds like a swollen lymph node to me,

Your lymph nodes, also called glands, play a vital role in your body's ability to fight off viruses, bacteria and other causes of illnesses. Some 600 lymph nodes are situated throughout your body, with the majority in your head and neck. The lymph nodes that most frequently swell are in your neck, under your chin, in your armpits and in your groin. The site of the swollen lymph nodes may help identify the underlying cause.

I have my one in my chin, swollen and sore about 4 times in, mmmm, 6 years. I did, at that time, put it down to a virus, played the waiting game. I waited for a few days and it went.

Hun, if you are really concerned there is no harm in asking your gp, peace of mind goes along way.

Sometimes even though we feel we don't have a viruse, we maybe the carryer, this means, we get no symptoms of the viruse, we are just carying it and can pass a common viruse on. As you know commom viruse can pass with time on there own.

Hun, I know its dame hard not to worry, if you feel you can't wait, go to a walk in center and ask advice, as I said, peace of mind goes along way.

Hope this helps a little



Hope 2
14-03-08, 16:04
Hiya C :D

Due to it's location , maybe yr bra has rubbed and caused this lump....just an idea .
Cos of it's size and that it is so tender to touch it may possibly be a cyst or boil type lump you have , as they tend to be especially sore to the touch rather than an ache kind of pain . If it grows or doesn't go away in a few days then I would visit GP .

Maybe try a warm bath or warm compress as this may help the lump to go down , especially if there is any fluid or pus in the lump . Which in turn may feel less sore and the two results will hopefully make you less worried then .

Just ideas :blush:
Bye for now
Hope xx

14-03-08, 18:00
Hello cankat,

Generally speaking, painful lumps that are movable are benign. When the lump is painless and stationary, more concern should be raised. Monitor the size and note any change in this aspect as well as pain and mobility. If there is a marked change, see your local physician promptly. Lymph nodal regions can be areas of concern as they are the termini of the lymph ducts that run from all areas of the body and filter bad things (bacteria and virus) as well as metastatic cancer cells which may lodge to form lymphoma. At any rate, keep a close eye for fever, night sweats, or anything out of the ordinary.

Doc J

14-03-08, 18:16
Thanks for all your replies!
I think I will go to the doctor on Monday (why do these things always happen at the start of the weekend?!). I had a vague idea that 'bad' lumps were generally painless so I'm trying to think of this as a cyst or something similar, so what you've said makes sense. It's not at all visible though - it's deep under the skin - can that be a cyst?

On the positive side, maybe thinking about the lump (which is clearly a 'real' thing) will take my mind off the anxiety symptoms (heart and chest related).
Thanks everyone and have a good weekend.

15-03-08, 00:14
Hi Cankat :hugs:

I have a cyst mmm, not saying where :blush: but I was told to keep an eye on it, for change, bit impossble to keep my eye on it where it is LOL. I can leave it alone as long as it does not grow to big to quick, mmm, so its not bothering me.

Hun, please let us know how you get on.:hugs:

YOU TAKE CARE, be kind to yourself,


17-03-08, 22:05
Well, I went to the doctor this morning and needless to say, although the pain is still very definitely there, she couldn't find any lumps at all. Instead she gave me Movelat to rub on the area. So I'm going to try not to worry about that particular symptom any more! :)