View Full Version : swollen glands globus and hoarseness

14-03-08, 17:30
I have been suffering from a feeling of something stuck in my throat for several months now, accompanied now for last week or so by the glands under my chin being slightly sore and a certain amount of soreness in throat and hoarseness when I try to speak for long. I am told by GP this is 99% likely to be anxiety ( the globus that is ).I then saw ENT consultant who looked down throat with mirror and said looked ok, I am seeing him again monday and asking him to do nasal camera ( no general anaesthetic)to look down throat, he wants to do full camera down throat to put my mind at ease but I am scared of another general anaesthetic. I have recently been diagnosed with chronic acid reflux which I had no idea I had and the anxiety over that may well be what sparked this off but I am so scared I have throat cancer........the throat thing isnt there when I wake up in the morning until of course I think about it then it starts up, its really horrible.....does anyone else have this combination ?:ohmy:

19-03-08, 01:06
hey elitest, I have the exact same thing as a matter of fact.
It's been exactly a week now since I've had the feeling of a lump in my throat, and just in the past couple days my voice is becoming hoarse.
I'm off to the doctor in a couple days to make sure there is nothing wrong, but my mind has been racing to the same conclusions (cancer) even though I keep telling myself that it's ridiculous.
I also have a myriad of other symptoms leading to panic attacks, combined with my throat problem, like dizziness, trouble concentrating, huge fatigue...ugh.
Anyway, you're not alone, and you'll more than likely be just fine!