View Full Version : Driving alone first time and panicking!

14-03-08, 18:46
I'm picking up my first car this weekend and driving alone for the first time -down the motorway can you believe it?

I've had refresher lessons for the last 4 months (I passed my test years ago but never drove afterwards) - been up and down the motorways endless times, handled ridiculous roundabouts, idiots on the road etc etc. The thing is when I'm driving I forget all about my anxiety and actually feel quite calm. I'm not scared of the roads - only the other careless idiots on them.

Even so for the last couple of days I can feel the anticipation and anxiety rising. Feeling physically tense with the normal aches and pains starting, lightheadedness, tense jaw and so on.

I've done this so many times with no interference or commentary from the instructor so I must be doing something right, but I can't shake the panic starting to well up in my guts.

Do any of you have tips from your first time driving alone? I could do with some moral support just now.


14-03-08, 18:55
Hi Dorabella, i am new here, well done i think you are being very brave and just take deep breathes and focus on what you are doing. you will probably do better than you think. i too panic when driving i havent driven in a long time i walk everywhere. best of luck to you :yesyes:

14-03-08, 19:21
Hi Dorabella

Its a nerve racking experience for anybody, getting into a car for the first time and not having anyone there to give guidance. But you will be fine, once you start driving and you are concentrating on that, you will forget your fears I am sure.

I love the fact I can drive, I'm one of those weird people that absolutely love driving. It makes me feel so independant! I havent got a car of my own but when we have to travel long distances I always hire a car to keep my hand in.

You will be fine hun, and I'm sure you will feel such a sense of achievement for doing it :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

14-03-08, 21:25
I too really enjoy driving - I feel great once I have been driving for a couple of hours because I have got over the panic. Just can't think why I'm being so daft now.

The worst part of anxiety is anticipation.......

Thanks for the encouraging thoughts.

14-03-08, 22:29
Hi your not daft, it,s natual to feel this way, grab your favourite c.d. and play some of your favourite tracks, it will help to ease you , and drive safely, happy motoring. x

15-03-08, 00:34
Hi Dorabella,

This would be an exciting experience for anyone,mixed in with your natural feeling of anxiety.Rather than worry about what this will mean for you,focus on the many advantages you will enjoy through being so independent.
First time driving-take things easy until you feel comfortable.Stick to the inside lane of the motorway and give yourself some time to build up your confidence.
Happy motoring :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
Best wishes,

15-03-08, 00:50
Hi Dorebella

Well done for been so brave :yesyes: i can understand just where you are coming from, i myself passed my driving test many years ago but lost all my confidence in driving so been having confidence driving lessons too.:weep:

Recently though i have managed to start driving locally again, my driving instructor was so patient and as taught me that driving should be a fun thing, to distract me he used to tell me knock knock jokes to distract me, especily while at juctions where i would panic, im now on my own driving and believe it or not i have bought a chubby brown Cd to play in the car to distract me and it seems to be doing the job, i know chubby brown isnt every bodys cup of tea but it seems to be working for me!:yesyes: . i think distraction is the key.

hope that helps


15-03-08, 01:00
Hi the first time i drove alone was 27years ago, I passed my test, got all cocky and clever and drove to work, had to get the porter to park it and my ex hubby to collect it,
I love driving anywhere I know, and have a sat nav to take me places I dont, but if i think of going places I dont , I immediatly feel sick and panicky, on the 30th march Im driving to an airport ive never driven to before, and the thought makes me feel sick and im pricing up alternatives,
I put on soothing music (unlike honeybee :hugs: ) my car is my passport to not being agoraphobic,
You are doing so well, there is no way I would of motrorway driven for months on end, keep going, you will be fine,xxx

15-03-08, 22:40
Hi there. I used to be a driving instructor and I would say that everyone is a little nervous of driving solo for the first time. Distraction for panic attack is great but not something I would recommend when driving alone at first. You need to be concentrating on getting the feel for a different car and also on working out your route. I would suggest that the first few journeys you take are on roads that are very familiar to you. That way you will be able to concentrate on the car and what is going on around you. This won't take long but do remember that when we concentrate we get tired more quickly. It is better to do several shorter journeys than one long one.

I'm sure you will soon feel confident. The concentration and enjoyment of driving should be distraction enough. I hope you enjoy many years of happy and safe motoring.

24-03-08, 18:50
Thank you for all the advice. I am happy to report that I completed a 4-hour marathon journey down the M1, coping with tailbacks, diversions and some idiot drivers along the way and didn't panic once!!

I still can't believe I did it alone. My driving instructor did a good job on me - he said it was just driving down a long straight road, albeit at speed, and he was right. Once I got behind the wheel and got going I didn't even stop to think that he wasn't there to help.

Strange isn't it that we can sometimes achieve things like this and not feel the slightest panic, yet at other times our own thoughts and fears can drive us into a panic attack. Certainly puts things into perspective.


25-03-08, 00:45
Many congratulations to you Dorabella. well done , you are a STAR !