View Full Version : whats wrong with me now ??

15-03-08, 09:10
ok right i had had this eye thingy going on for a week nearly now - (eyes feel like they cant focus) anyway this morning i wake up and my ear feels like it has water in it - you know that feeling when u been swimming and you got water in ur ear still - it feels like this !! wats wrong with me now ? yet another bloody worry !!

15-03-08, 10:23
Nothing is wrong that can't be fixed !

Get some reasurance from with either the chemist or the doctor, and you will soon be ok.

Take care.

Christine xx :flowers:

25-03-08, 20:29
I had the exact same symptoms about two weeks. It started on a sunday, mine was the other way around, my ears just felt like there were tottaly blocked with some thing then the next day my eyes went strange hard to describe I could see clearly just there was something strange going on I felt almost drunk all day long. I even took ear drops to see if they would help, they didn't but i'm glad to say my ears seem ok now but i'm still gettin the all day dizziness, some days are worse than others though.
If you haven't been to the docs might be worth getting your blood checked as I have been found to have a B12 Definciency which can cause some similar symptons to stress.

25-03-08, 20:35
Hope you got your problem sorted

25-03-08, 20:35

I often get the eye symptoms and occasionally I get the sensation that my ears are under water but that tends to come and go and doesn't last long.

I often find that when my eyes are particularly bad and my ears are playing up I get a stinking cold a few days later. Maybe you have a cold coming...

Hope you feel better soon. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

25-03-08, 20:57
Can I ask if you have been using a mobile phone a lot and/or listening to an mp3 player in the ear? if so, it is probably blocked with wax - your ears respond very quickly to protect themselves. try putting a little olive oil in it - apparently this dissolves any wax and it runs out naturally (lovely!). Seeker