View Full Version : breathing - weird

19-03-05, 00:02
Sometimes I feel that my throat and my lungs are wide open and that I breathe in too much air. It's really weird. I used to feel that I can't breathe in enough air, and now it's just the opposite! Also, sometimes, when I eat, I feel like I can't synchronize breathing and swallowing, and I'm always afraid that I will choke on the food.
Does anyone else get this?

19-03-05, 17:27
hello Indie,

I have never felt like I am breathing too muich air. I have often felt that I am not breathing enough air though. Your mind is probably just playing tricks on you and the panic is getting to you. You have nothing to worry about so try to put it out of your mind and I'm sure you will feel better about the whole thing..

Sarah :D

19-03-05, 18:26
Like sarah i always feel short of breath not too much. But I notice when i drink water it feels like i cant breath a bit horrile that.

19-03-05, 20:21
Same as Vernon - This happens to me alot - I play the flute and often when I feel I can't fill my lungs with enough air I go and play the flute - you would be amazed how much 'puff' I have - I think I read somewhere on this site that playing a musical instrument occupies the different side of the brain to the side that produces panic - (I think thats what I read anyway!) - Indie maybe you could try this - I suppose it helps if you have a woodwind musical instrument !!!! You could get rid of all that 'excess air' All that waffle and not much help I suppose! SORRY!

19-03-05, 22:34
Hi Indie

Like the rest have never felt that but i am sure it is another one of those lovely symptoms of anxiety. I wouldnt worry too much about it as you cant over breath and im sure its better than panicking that you cant get your breath.

Take care

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

21-03-05, 15:32
I feel like that too. I do however hold my breath a little or move around to try and use the excess oxygen. We as part of our symptoms over breath - Prepare for flight or fight response>

