View Full Version : Swollen Lymph node

15-03-08, 12:51
I've recently just been to the doctors in the last 2months as Ive started with all this anxiety...1st I thought I had a brain tumour which now I realise I dont.

The next think I thought I had was thyroid disease but the doctor did a full lot of blood tests checking everything ( blood count, thyroid, diabetes etc.)
and they all came back fine!!!

Then I came down with a cold just recently a lump has apeared on my neck left side and is only small which moves round and I straight away thought cancer, went to the doctors as i was worrying constenly about this and she said that its nothing to worry about its just a swollen lymph node....buttt.... im still convinced its cancer:(

Anyone had the same situation? Just need someone to talk to feel so alone and as if no one understands :(

15-03-08, 12:56
Hi Rick,

You seem to have a real problem putting your faith in your GP.As a fellow anxiety sufferer,I know how hard this can be.
You anxiety will ALWAYS tell you that your Doctor doesn't know what he is talking about.
Approach each day with the attitude that you are not taking risks with your health,your Doctor is looking after you and that anxiety is the issue.Be positive about yourself.When the Anxiety comes calling,stop what you are doing and actively challenge the negative thinking.The more you do this,the easier it will become.
Best wishes,

15-03-08, 13:00
Thanks.... its just when you read some sites they say o the doctor said that it ws just a swollen lymph node and now it turns out i have cancer and it makes you think what if that happens to me?

15-03-08, 13:02
Hi Rick,

Accept that you are not a Doctor.
Accept that the only possible effect that these web-sites can have on you at the moment is a big bad negative one!!
Think of your Doctor positively-all those years of training and experience.
Best wishes,

15-03-08, 15:08
I have been in this situation many times with my GP over the past 6 years since developing health anxiety and I know how hard it is to accept your Drs prognoses, but in most cases my DR has been right and the health worry I was experianceing at the time turned out to be nothing but anxiety.

The only time the DR misdiagnosed me was when I had a grumbling appendix, but he put me though all the other tests first to rule out each thing, i'e kidney, overies until I had a laparoscopy and they found the grumbling appendix. So he was looking after me!

I had a gland come up years ago after a cold and I can still feel it up now. Sometimes gland do that. I also have one in the back of my neak which has been up for a bout 2 years and it aches on occasions when I am run down. I have had to trust the Drs when they are saying that its fine and also the countless other times I have been there with new symptoms. After 6 years of suffering I am still here!! And believe me I have *thought* I have had every cancer going!!

I know its hard, we are all here for you to chat too. Just remeber to have faith in your Drs.

Pauline x:hugs:

15-03-08, 16:15
Thanks Pauline,

Gonna try to keep my mind off it now and forget about it xxx :ohmy:

15-03-08, 19:50
It's not so long since I was posting on here myself about neck lumps. I had one come up suddenly after I'd had a cold. I just felt it by chance, couldn't stop fiddling with it...and then wondering why it was tender lol. I also did the stupid thing of googling neck lumps and of course you can guess what came up. I couldn't seem to take any notice of the things on the website telling me that there are lots of reasons why little lumps come up in your neck because I was so fixated on the it being the worst thing.

Went to the doctor. Didn't believe her saying it was nothing serious.

Upshot is, that was last summer and the lump is still there if I really look for it. Sometimes it's not, sometimes it's a little bit bigger because something causes it to flare up. It's never grown or spread and it's not serious...I wouldn't be feeling fine 7 months down the line if it was you-know-what.

Seriously, try not to worry. It really is far more likely to be as a result of your cold than anything sinister. The docs know what to look for. And if it doesn't go down for a while, please don't worry....these things seem to take their own sweet time.

16-03-08, 11:05
Thanks all for your posts... make me feel alot better :D

Anyone ever want to chat about anything i'm here :winks: