View Full Version : please help

15-03-08, 18:03
Hi , im kay .. so sorry i have just jumped here like a bat out of hell. i promise i will read some posts later and contribute if i feel that i can.

Please help .... i suffer with fibromyalgia and have had a really bad few years ... i gave up smoking in june 2005, alas, i felt like i had lost my besty friend and became moderatly depressed. I began taking 10 mg and then 20mg citalopram and have found i have got through... however .. with the fms and nasty struggling symptoms i decided it was time to clear my body as much as i possibly could to see where i was with the symptoms. i weaned my self of the cit and have been off them now for about 8 weeks .... nasty little dizzy spells have ailed me but i have felt bouncy energetic and much more like the old me.....

i felt fab and now its all gone wrong....... i am irritable beyond irritable and jokingly said to my children ,, i am suffering from 'everything rage'.. i feel like every little thing is bugging me and even killed a moth yesterday, just because it was fluttering around...( if you knew me well that so goes against the grain with me) im sorry to be flippent with my explanation but i feel like i am going to explode ..

i know my life is taxing and challenging .. i work full time .. responsible postition, i have three children and two grandchildren and i am and have been single for around 8 years .. i support my eldest daughter who is also a single parent( obviously i have trained her too well)

every time the phone rings i feel like i am going to throw it .. i know i need time to myself and am just off to see my gran in hospital now .. there is no stopping . i hav to keep on ..... but im simmering like an old cooking pot ...

what should i do ..... should i just go back on the dam things.. i feel a mega fall over coming on and the the pain in my hands is also an added stress. ( hands are badly afected by the fms)

please help please please please x Kay

Hope 2
15-03-08, 22:16
Hi Kay :hugs:

Blimey it sounds like you are so very stressed out and it's no wonder , with all that is going on for you :ohmy: xx

Not sure I can be of much help but you do most defo have my sympathy hun .
I have had similar episodes in the last few yrs , where I have come off medication and then bang out of the blue I have permanent road rage when normally it takes me a lot to get angry . If meds are reduced too quickly then this could be a factor for how you are feeling , but it does sound like you are burning out . You have got so much on yr plate and anyone would be finding it so hard to handle .

In an ideal world yr best bet would be to take a big step back and do lots of relaxing things that you enjoy and have some major time out . Can you maybe ask your older children to take some of the weight off yr shoulders ........tell them how you are feeling ...........and ask them for their help . It sounds like yr trying to do far too much and could do with the support . If all else fails hun u got all us on here eh :yahoo: .

Take it easy on yr self
Deep breaths etc
Love Julia xx

15-03-08, 22:38
Hello Kay, sorry you're having a tough time. I don't know how much research is done in to people coming off meds, but I get a hunch that withdrawal and after effects can go on a mighty long time. I came off my anti d's (for anxiety) 16 weeks ago because they were not doing a blind thing for the anxiety, but I'm still feeling desperate tiredness and grasping depression and I don't think I have got over the withdrawal affects yet.
Best thing would be to explain how you feel to your Doctor and hope to get support in this.

15-03-08, 22:56
Hi there.

I hope yu don't mind me asking but how old are yu. I was diagnosed with fibro 6-7 years ago by my gp. when we moved here my now gp said he didn't believe the condition existed in the same way he doesn't accept ME either as a proper condition. He re did all my blood tests etc and the hospital then diagnosed me with polymialgia rheumatica. I have been treated with steroids for this for that last 2+ years. Anyway gp now isn't sure that I have poly and is sending me to a consultant on Monday to get further diagnosis. The symptoms you describe the pain the feeling of exhaustion and the feeling of being about to explode are all so familiar with me. I usually say I'm in biting mode cos thats what I want to do if anyone annoys me. But I think this side of things is partly due to the frustration of always feeling lousy and also for me that certain age 52. I think you need to get things checked out again at the docs. I'll let you know how the consultant goes but I don't hold out much hope.

16-03-08, 09:01
hi and thanks .. i posted another long message and lost it .... grrrrrr

im 44 and was dx in feb 07 ... hence i am trying to ignore the stupid condition .. will get back what i have more time .. thanks for your answers xx

16-03-08, 09:34
wow Kay you really do sound like a true trooper, although I can't condone cruelty to moths ;).

Seriously though, I am no fan of meds for anxiety (my personal opinion please don't shoot me) I have always seem them as an aid to help a sufferer get to a level to then seek treatment, as opposed to treating the symptoms only.

My own experience with meds was not good, so to be fair this has tainted my view, but I am sure if I popped a pill at the time when I was at my worst, and it worked, I would be promoting them strongly.

Meds have what's called a "half life". This is the amount of activity that the meds have on the system after you stop taking them. I beleive this varies from med to med, but possibly (and I am not a GP so please don't take as gospel), possibly, the half-life of the med is wearing off, hence a drop in your mood.

Is your anxiety caused by your condition and hectic lifestyle? With such stress I would not be surprised.

Have you ever had any other form of treatment? like talk therapy? or have you ever read any self-help books? some are pretty good (Claire Weekes springs to mind).

I would have a chat with your GP about the meds situation, and offer my sympathy as I only suffered from anxiety, and not a painful condition to boot.

I wager you are brave and strong, so I am sure you will get through this.

Best wishes,
