View Full Version : just moved house

16-03-08, 13:38
(sorry about my spelling)

hello everyone you have all probaly read my other posts that i ave moved from basingsoke to newcastle, well now me and my oher half have moved into our own home, i am likeing living in my own home, but i feel so lonly and really need to make some friends here in Gateshead, i dont have a job yet even tho i am trying hard to find one done nothing but fill out forms and send out cvs, i am feeling so alone and getting worried that my anxiety is getting worse as i am now in the house all the time and get papertaions when ever i have to leve the house or when i know i am going to leve the house, like when i have to pick my parnter from work, i am geting so worryed that my anxtety is starting to make me agoraphbia now

any sergestions???

thanks for reading
amanda xx

16-03-08, 13:48

Hi there, it's nice to meet you. I'm Lisa.

OK...first things first, the more you stay at home the harder it is going to be to get out and about again, so please don't let yourself fall into that rutt hun coz take it from me, it's a difficult one to get out of.

You said you have moved house and don't have any friends yet! why don't you take a trip to your local library, they will have a list of all things that your community have going on. I used to be a right wee book worm and was always in and out the library, it's quite quiet so not too stressful plus you could get chatting to some folk there.

Hope things get better for you soon

Love Lisa

17-03-08, 09:21
Hi Amanda

I know where you're coming from hun. I moved from London to Stoke on Trent to live with my boyfriend and its not been as easy as I'd hoped to make new friends quite quickly.

I agree with Lisa though, take a trip to your local library or if you have internet access you could try searching online for classes you could attend, like art/crafts/dancing etc.

Even take a trip to the local gym and see if you can join any classes there?

I've made a couple of friends of my own and I have been here nearly a year but I think it takes time hun so try not to expect too much too soon.

Me and my b/f are also looking for something we can do together as a couple and we will probably try our hands at photography or something.

Jo xxxxx