View Full Version : Another question

16-03-08, 13:41
Hi folks,

Just a quick question. I haven't really suffered with my health anxiety for years but after being not too well recently, mine has gone through the roof and i'm imagining all sorts now!! Is this normal??

Love Lisa

16-03-08, 14:43
Hi Mate,

The fact that you are thinking about this in such logical terms shows great progress on your part.
You are actively linking your Anxiety to a recent bout of what was,I know,a real health scare for you.
The easiest time for Anxiety to reappear is when we are physically at a low point-we are less able to put up any resistance to it.As we recover physically,we pick up impetus and strength to tell Mr Anxiety to clear off.
Just you keep believing in yourself and keep focused on doingthe things you enjoy.
You are a fabulous supporter of other members here.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

16-03-08, 15:42
Hi Lisa
You are doing really well and I think its only normal to be a bit anxious about your illness at the moment. Take it easy hunni.
love Mags xxxxx

16-03-08, 16:02
Thanks again folks! ok i'm going to try and put this to the back of my mind!

Love Lisa

16-03-08, 20:21
Yep afraid its normal - if a little thing upsets ur norm bang there it goes.

Hope you are feelin better soon hun

Claire xxxxx