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16-03-08, 21:02
hi every one well im new to this site but on reading many items on this site its reasured me im not alone ,a few week ago i had a funny turn as i called it ,shaking ,pains in cheast ,numbness in leg ,and face ,dry mouth ,fast breathing ,after a visit to a&e for ecgs bloods ,was told it was anxiaty attacks ,and have not been right since ,im not convinced they are right ,and worry its somthing more ,even google every little pain i get witch i have hato stopmyself doing ,its got to a point when my oh goes out i start panicing and shaking ,feel like i going mad ,any one else with the same ,any advise please on how to deal with it ,

16-03-08, 21:07
Hi Bullseye,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

16-03-08, 21:12
also been put on diazipan witch does calm me down a little and slows the shakes down a little only trying to take when realy need them ,have been refured to a counceler but on waiting list could be as long as 6 months

16-03-08, 21:23
Hello bullseye :welcome: to you!

Glad you've found some reassurance from the site already.

You're not going mad (even though it so feels like it) but ooh yes, do try to stay away from the Google Monster!

I find the following works for me. So, next time your OH goes out and you feel a funny turn, or panic attack, coming on imagine it like a huge wave.....and you're going to ride it out. Don't try and ignore it or fight your way through it, just let it wash over you and even lift you up high. Then, once your're at the pinnacle it will begin to subside. Remember it cannot harm you, you are the 'surfer' and the panic is the 'wave'. Also try and keep your breathing deep and steady. (don't know if you have children but it's rather like the breathing you do when you feel a labour pain coming!)

Hope this helps just a little - there's a lot more information and some very good personal stories in the links menu on the left there.

Glad you joined us - pleased to meet you!


16-03-08, 22:06
First of all Bullseye - stop Googling! Believe me it's the one thing guaranteed to make you feel worse! Easier said than done, I know, but you really will just make yourself feel bad, partly because you'll be obsessing about the anxiety (or the various symptoms) and partly because you'll inevitably find something terrible and convince yourself that you have it.

Having said that, I know how hard it is. I've apparently been suffering from anxiety (palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain etc etc) for 2 months now and I've had various tests incl 24-hour ECG, echocardiogram, chest x-ray and blood tests, all of which came back normal and yet I STILL don't really believe that this is 'just' anxiety. I'm sure there must be something pathologically wrong with me which the doctors simply haven't spotted yet.

I have looked up a few things but know it's a mistake. Although to be fair, the one good thing that's come out of it is finding NMP which has been a great source of comfort to me in the few days since I joined (it seems like a lot longer but I think it was only 5 days ago!).

We have to try and convince ourselves that the docs are right and then work on dealing with the anxiety. I'm still new to this though and don't have any particular words of wisdom, sadly. But do read the NMP info pages, especially the Health Anxiety one, and Symptoms. You'll find that these describe exactly what you're suffering and that it's not just you, nor are you imagining it. Hope you find the help you need.

16-03-08, 22:11
Hello Bullseye And Welcome.......i Wish Ya Well....linda

16-03-08, 22:21
Hi Bullseye and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

17-03-08, 01:21
Hi bullseye,

I experienced exactely the same that you described. First, you must understand that the anxiety attacks will not harm you. I understand how bad they are as I have been thorough this.
I don't know how good is to take diazepan to cope with your axiety attacks. From my personal experience... when I first experienced panic attack I took xanax. My panic attacks continued and I continued taking xanax. I was so scared as I didn't know what is wrong with me and every next attack was worse then the one before, and I started taking 2 and later 3 pills to calm down. One evening was so bad that I went to emergency and asked to talk to psyhiatrist. He told me that I should not take xanax but try to "survive" the attack on my own. He said that there are people taking even 4-5 pills to calm down and xanax is not a solution - it is all me. I was so scared I thought I won't survive. I even asked him - what if die during the panic attack. He was so cold and just said - no you will not. I remember I left the hospital crying. But here I am typing this.
So my advice is don't rely just on diazepam but try to control the axiety on your own as much as you could. I know how hard it is. Currently I am taking CBT and it is all about learning to control myself and not to panic. Read as much as you can from this great site and remember that there are people suffering with years and they are still here giving us advices.
I wish you all the best. And believe me soon you will be better.

17-03-08, 09:15
Hi Bullseye,

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

17-03-08, 14:06
Hi Bullseye,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here who feel exactly like you do and you will find support. I agree with the others googling will only make your anxiety worse. Try deep breathing and warm baths with calming music that always helps me until you see your counselor. Good luck.



17-03-08, 18:43
Hi Bullseye,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

18-03-08, 19:09

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

22-03-08, 20:29
thank you all for the advise ,im of on one again today trying to stay calm ,but its hard trying to convinse myself its notsumat serious but i ant so sure ,

24-03-08, 19:21
Hi Bullseye

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help and get you back on track to a full recovery.