View Full Version : so scared

16-03-08, 21:47
Hi , does anyone know if its normal for a male to have a boney lump under the adams apple so scared that its throat cancer or something :wacko:

17-03-08, 07:19
hi i think it normal for men to have boney lump under adams apple i realy dont think its cancer tc xx

17-03-08, 07:56
My brothers is really boney, I think you would have some fairly serious symptoms if it was cancer.

It's just 'Mr What If', scaring you. Never listen to that guy, he never knows what he's talking about.

17-03-08, 20:51
im still scared.... does anyone know if its normal to have like a boney thing coming down from under your adams apple?

17-03-08, 21:34
Hi Rick,

I read your PM and thought it was a joke so I looked at what posts you've made and found this. It must be worrying you quite a lot if your PM'ing all the guys to see if they have the same boney thing! Yes Rick I do, we all do it's totally normal and you would only need to be worried if you didn't have one. Mine runs down my neck and under the breastbone.

Put this into perspective mate and try not to stress, anxiety can blow normal stuff out of proportion and take over your life so just try and keep it in check.


17-03-08, 21:39
Thanks Ben apriciate your reply :) Im a idiot I know I need to get a life basicly lol

18-03-08, 01:29
Obviously I can't give advice about this hahaha, but as these other men have said it's just a normal thing, so don't worry any more Rick :)

But please don't think your an idiot! There's lots of us here who suffer form health anxiety, we're not all idiots I promise you.
Health anxiety's a nasty thing that affects people, it's not something you've caused by stupidity or anything lol.
I know it's easy to feel a bit silly and pathetic, but at the time the anxiety and panic your going through is horrific, I know the feeling.
I was so worried about lumps in my neck, till my mum and dad felt their own and had exactly the same thing! I felt stupid and silly, but at the time I was hysterical about it!
It's not your fault, don't blame yourself for it.
Take care,
