View Full Version : health anx

17-03-08, 09:38
hi everyone can i ask some advise ,all this panic and anxiety ,is new to me ,and i dont like it one bit it realy frightens me ,is it normal not to feel well every day i mean like shaking ,drained lightheaded and numbness in legs and face ,then comes the dry mouth and rapid breathing ,some days its not so bad and can carry on even though i dont feel my normal self ,dont like being on my own ,other days realy bad ,i worry that there is somthing more wrong with me that docs have missed ,or am i just going mad ,from somone who wants to be back to normal ,:weep:

17-03-08, 09:59
what you are going through is absolutely normal for anxiety sufferers, i feel unwell everyday and even when you are told it is anxiety it is still hard to believe as it makes you feel so unwell.
We would all love to be back to normal, and apparently you can get better, but i am still waiting and hoping for that day.
Sorry i cannot be any more help, just wanted to reassure you that we feel the same and you are not alone.
Take care

17-03-08, 11:14

Like Helen said its normal for people with anxiety.

I also worry its something more than anxiety.

Coming on here helps me a great deal because i know i am not alone with this

love mandie x

17-03-08, 11:46
Hello and welcome!!

You have come to the right place, ever since I was passed this website from my GP it has been nothing but positive.

HA is horrable, because you end up doubting your doctors and your best friend become Wikipedia which is bad cause most of the time it's a load of tosh.

Hopefully if you learn to manage and control it, it can go away and we are always here for support.

17-03-08, 14:38
just like to say thank you every one for your replys i was shocked at how many people suffer from the same ,and to think i felt alone but since i joined this site a few days ago i no i am no longer ,and have been reasured all what im feeling is normal for anx attacks xxx thank you

18-03-08, 01:31
It takes a while for you to get your head around just how physically bad anxiety and panics can make you feel.
It took me weeks of barely wanting to move until I finally believed it.
Like people have said, what your going through is normal for anxiety and nothing to worry about :)
Take care,


22-03-08, 20:23
thank you for all your reasurance but as you no its hard to get my head round it all ,as since the first attack ive just not felt right at all ,really unwell ,like this morning when i got up felt ok for the first ten mins then bang down hill all day how do i get my head beleving it is only anx as im not convinsed at all so sure its sumat more serious and very very frightend ,

23-03-08, 21:20
Hi there,

I have suffered from palps/ectopics and pas for years and the other night I was trying to sleep, feeling stressed, heart jumping, feeling cold and shakey and I was convinced there was something seriously wrong, I had to get out of bed and get an anxiety booklet and read through the symptoms to convince myself I was suffering anxiety.

It is scary when your feeling rough and the more we stress about it the worse we feel....I can sympathise with you totallly!!!!

Shaz x

24-03-08, 11:54
Hi I recently found this website and i'm so relived to see i'm not the only one having symptoms of anxiety, I feel ill most days with one thing or another, dizziness, feeling like my legs are going to collapse under me, the headaches have been gone for a few weeks now and i'm gettin numbness in my arms, legs and face, I also become tired all of a sudden and just feel totally drained. I know when I worry more these symptoms seem to get worse so I have to try and calm down which is easy to say not to do.

Bullseye like you I wake up feeling fine then about 30 mins later everything starts to kick in again, I have also been told I have a B12 Deficiency which can cause some of these symptoms but i'm sure mine is more the worry of things as they get worse when I think about them.

24-03-08, 12:11
Hi Bullseye,

What you are feeling is entirely normal for someone with health anxiety.
After having a panic attack,we are left with a feeling of impending doom-when is the next one coming? Anxiety feeds on itself within us to the point at which the attacks recur.
Get stuck into some reading on the Forum.
The Success stories show that we can get through this.
Read through the section on How To Cope for practical advice.
Give yourself time to take this all in-Rome was not built in a day.
Believe in yourself.
Best wishes,